Monday, August 24, 2020

How to Find Degrees of Freedom in Statistics

The most effective method to Find Degrees of Freedom in Statistics Numerous measurable induction issues expect us to locate the quantity of degrees of opportunity. The quantity of degrees of opportunity chooses a solitary likelihood conveyance from among boundlessly many. This progression is a regularly neglected however essential detail in both the estimation of ​confidence stretches and the functions of theory tests. There is certifiably not a solitary general equation for the quantity of degrees of opportunity. Be that as it may, there are explicit equations utilized for each sort of methodology in inferential measurements. As it were, the setting that we are working in will decide the quantity of degrees of opportunity. What follows is an incomplete rundown of the absolute most regular derivation techniques, alongside the quantity of degrees of opportunity that are utilized in every circumstance. Standard Normal Distribution Strategies including standard ordinary distributionâ are recorded for fulfillment and to clear up certain confusions. These methods don't expect us to locate the quantity of degrees of opportunity. The explanation behind this is there is a solitary standard typical appropriation. These sorts of strategies include those including a populace mean when the populace standard deviation is known, and furthermore methods concerning populace extents. One Sample T Procedures Now and again measurable practice expects us to utilize Student’s t-appropriation. For these methodology, for example, those managing a populace mean with obscure populace standard deviation, the quantity of degrees of opportunity is one not exactly the example size. In this manner in the event that the example size is n, at that point there are n - 1 degrees of opportunity. T Procedures With Paired Data Commonly it bodes well to regard information as combined. The matching is completed ordinarily because of an association between the first and second an incentive in our pair. Commonly we would combine when estimations. Our example of matched information isn't free; be that as it may, the distinction between each pair is autonomous. Consequently if the example has an aggregate of n sets of information focuses, (for a sum of 2n values) at that point there are n - 1 degrees of opportunity. T Procedures for Two Independent Populations For these kinds of issues, we are as yet utilizing a t-dispersion. This time there is an example from every one of our populaces. Despite the fact that it is desirable over have these two examples be of a similar size, this isn't essential for our measurable strategies. In this manner we can have two examples of size n1 and n2. There are two different ways to decide the quantity of degrees of opportunity. The more exact technique is to utilize Welch’s equation, a computationally unwieldy recipe including the example sizes and test standard deviations. Another methodology, alluded to as the traditionalist guess, can be utilized to rapidly evaluate the degrees of opportunity. This is basically the littler of the two numbers n1 - 1 and n2 - 1. Chi-Squarefor Independence One utilization of the chi-square test is to check whether two clear cut factors, each with a few levels, display freedom. The data about these factors is signed in a two-manner table with r lines and c segments. The quantity of degrees of opportunity is the item (r - 1)(c - 1). Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Chi-square decency of fitâ starts with a solitary absolute variable with a sum of n levels. We test the speculation that this variable matches a foreordained model. The quantity of degrees of opportunity is one not exactly the quantity of levels. As it were, there are n - 1 degrees of opportunity. One FactorANOVA One factor investigation of difference (ANOVA) permits us to make examinations between a few gatherings, dispensing with the requirement for numerous pairwise theory tests. Since the test expects us to quantify both the variety between a few gatherings just as the variety inside each gathering, we end up with two degrees of opportunity. The F-measurement, which is utilized for one factor ANOVA, is a portion. The numerator and denominator each have degrees of opportunity. Leave c alone the quantity of gatherings and n is the absolute number of information esteems. The quantity of degrees of opportunity for the numerator is one not exactly the quantity of gatherings, or c - 1. The quantity of degrees of opportunity for the denominator is the all out number of information esteems, less the quantity of gatherings, or n - c. It is obvious to see that we should be mindful so as to know which derivation strategy we are working with. This information will illuminate us regarding the right number of degrees of opportunity to utilize.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Symbols in Beloved

Images in Beloved The corruption forced upon all slaves, the connections among oppressed and the adjustments in their own view of themselves, the importance of time and memory and how it impacts what's to come are a portion of the issues investigated by Toni Morrison in her novel Beloved. What truly intrigued us while perusing the book were the different ways she moved toward her perusers. The style consolidates artistic authenticity with scriptural fantasies, old stories, and unadulterated chronicled reality with profound imagery. The job of the images is the focal point of this paper. Various writers have examined the images in Beloved yet very little is expounded on a portion of the images that are the object of this examination the number 124, the name Sethe and the hues utilized in the portrayal. The three images will be drawn closer independently in spite of their basic job in the portrayal. The principle task is to acclimate with these images, to introduce a few writers comments about them and to call attention to the numerous approaches to understand images. A further investigation of their interconnection may come out as a different work. An image, as characterized by Merriam-Webster online Dictionary and Thesaurus is something that represents or recommends something different by reason of relationship, affiliation, show, or inadvertent likeness. Regularly it is a noticeable indication of something that can not be seen. The word image originates from the Greek action word symballein which intends to assemble and the thing symbolon which means mark, taken or sign. To suit our motivations an increasingly mind boggling clarification of the images will be of better use: An image has complex, strict significance, yet additionally extra meaning(s) past the exacting. Some of the time the exacting significance of an image is crazy, so the representative importance abrogates and offsets the strict importance. An image may have more than one importance. Actually, the most huge images do pass on an inconclusive scope of implications (Doty 1). In any case, one ought not overlook that the significance of a bit of writing relies upon the perusers opportunity to see and comprehend it in an exceptional manner. So climate an image is very much picked or not will be decided by the manner in which the peruser reacts to it. In Beloved Toni Morrison utilizes an assortment of images so as to escape from the customary and simultaneously to guarantee that the message she needs to pass on will contact its crowd. Hues, numbers, names, trees and various pictures all come to assist her with moving her plans to people in general. In this work the emphasis will be on three primary images utilized and their job in the portrayal: number 124, the name Sethe and the hues. Number 124 Having as a top priority the possibility of images and their significance, the principal thing that strikes is number 124. It really is associated with the spot where the greater part of the activity happens the house at 124 Bluestone Road, .a living arrangement where each occupant has a sense of safety, encompassed by the network and at times choked by the too tense air. In any case, if the peruser chooses to look further, he will see that if the different digits are summarized, 7 is reached. 124 fits this visionary depiction on the grounds that the total of the three digitsadd up to previously mentioned 7 (Essay on Toni Morrisons Beloved 1). As indicated by the numerology number seven speaks to creation just as imperativeness and riddle which are the key purposes of the entire novel. It additionally distinguishes a positive recharging and represents the discipline, the decontamination and the contrition. Another approach to decipher the number is that 124 represents Sethes four kids among whom the third one Beloved, is missing (Atousa 6). Seen along these lines the image is incredibly solid in helping the peruser to remember the killed kid, its spooky nearness in the life of the family and Sethes extraordinary feeling of misfortune. The Name Sethe Indeed, even the name of the hero Sethe is emblematic. Utilizing it Toni Morrison associates the narrative of the glad and free lady who has devoted for her entire life to her kids with the antiquated Egypt, on one hand, and the Holy Bible, on the other. The two different ways to peruse the image might be viewed as an endeavor of the creator to contact a more extensive crowd or to show the multifaceted nature of the character. The God of mayhem, wind and tempests Seth-a man with the leader of a creature or winged animal, gives some manly highlights to this female slave and yet underscores her tumultuous perspective that prompts separating the polarities of good and bad (Lewis 1). The Biblical Seth the offspring of Adam and Eve additionally adds quality and assurance to her character and speaks to her aptitudes to battle and beat challenges. However, as an ordinary agent of the subjugated, she has burned through every last bit of her endeavors making an effort not to maintain a strategic distance from torment yet to get past it as fast as could be expected under the circumstances. The Colors Hues assume huge position in the setting, portraying the manner in which individuals feel or passing on trust in a more promising time to come. They are images of life which Sethe doesn't underestimate. Attempting to discover the essentialness at the time, she follows her internal identity. High contrast speaks to the conspicuous logical inconsistency between the universe of individuals whose skin is white and those with dark one. White is generally acknowledged as an image of guiltlessness, life, light, immaculateness, or edification, while dark is viewed as a cold and negative shading proposing detachment, demise, obliviousness, or abhorrence. In Beloved one can discuss shading cognizance introduced as a piece of a relationship that has influenced the lives of many. Infant Suggs, Sethes relative, says Those white things have taken all I had or envisioned. . . furthermore, broke my heartstrings as well. There is no misfortune on the planet however whitefolks(89). Her words depict th e harshness and obliteration crying somewhere down in her heart. Another image originating from the red piece of the range could be seen again and again all through Beloved. Red represents activity, boldness, imperativeness. For Amy Denver, the red velvet implies her aspirations for a quiet and serene life, while the red heart of Paul D represents his feelings. Life and demise, nearness and nonappearance go together in the novel and their impact could be felt at each stage. The red roses which line the way to the jubilee messenger its appearance around yet additionally mark the start of new life for Sethe, Denver, and Paul D, their desires. These roses simultaneously are to remind the passing. Red is all that Morrison need say, for she gives us knowing shading as an issue of life and passing (Morey 1040) There are a wide range of imaginative gadgets utilized in writing. Toni Morrison has applied an assortment of strategies however surely a solid point in her style in Beloved is the utilization of an immense number images passing on regularly blended messages. 124 when summarized makes seven which represents creation and imperativeness yet observed as a succession is the indication of something lost until the end of time. Sethe is both the name of the offspring of Adam and Eve, solid in adapting to troubles and the name of the God of mayhem and tempest, fretful in his quest for good and terrible. Highly contrasting, dull and light, the hues that are normally connected with the slaves and their enslavers and red the shade of affection but here and there possessing a scent like passing. The representative element of Toni Morrisons epic goes along with the improvement of the story and here and there even dominates. It is a ground-breaking intends to introduce the majority of races, sexes , classes, and ethnicities in America around then. Karen Bernardo says that similarly as portrayal and discourse and plot deal with the surface to move the story along, imagery works under the surface to tie the storys outside activity to the theme(Bernardo 1). That outer activity as we would see it is frequently more powerful than the surface one as images pass on profound messages that are moved here and there even without the cognizant information on the peruser. The main prerequisite is to peruse with open detects.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Alamo, the

Alamo, the Alamo, the al ´?mo? [key] [Span.,=cottonwood], building in San Antonio, Tex., the cradle of Texas liberty. Built as a chapel after 1744, it is all that remains of the mission of San Antonio de Valero, which was founded in 1718 by Franciscans and later converted into a fortress. In the Texas Revolution, San Antonio was taken by Texas revolutionaries in Dec., 1835, and was lightly garrisoned. When Mexican General Santa Anna approached with an army of several thousand in Feb., 1836, only some 150 men held the Alamo, and confusion, indifference, and bickering among insurgents throughout Texas prevented help from joining them, except for 32 volunteers from Gonzales who slipped through the Mexican siege lines. Defying surrender demands, the Texans in the fort determined to fight. The siege, which began Feb. 24, ended with hand-to-hand fighting within the walls on Mar. 6. William B. Travis , James Bowie , Davy Crockett , and some 180 other defenders died, but the heroic resistance r oused fighting anger among Texans, who six weeks later defeated the Mexicans at San Jacinto , crying, Remember the Alamo! The chapel-fort became a state preserve in 1883. Its surroundings were added in 1905, and the complex, restored in 1936â€"39, is now a major tourist attraction. See A. G. Adair and M. H. Crockett, ed., Heroes of the Alamo (2d ed. 1957); Lon Tinkle, 13 Days to Glory (1958); W. Lord, A Time to Stand (1961); W. C. Davis, Three Roads to the Alamo (1998); R. Roberts and J. S. Olson, A Line in the Sand (2000). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History

Friday, May 22, 2020

The City Of New Orleans - 2342 Words

Reactions The city is dead. Without a single person out in the street, and without the bright summer sunshine that wakes people up for another Monday morning. The city was completely gone; the city that used to burst with people and streets that were filled with energy is now empty but filled with filthy water. It was August 29, 2005, when the hurricane entered the warm water of the Gulf and grew to be a monstrous storm. So monstrous, that it destroyed anything in its path. The hurricane that we now call Katrina had swept away the entire city of New Orleans. Many people lost family members and the storm caused an abundance of property damage. It was reported that the hurricane killed about 1,800. The number of damages totaled $108 billion dollars. Just imagine seeing your neighbor, your family members, your loved one and even yourself suffering to survive in the water that swipes away so many of your memories and what you valued. What would you have done the day before the hurricane knowing th at it will hit the city? This also questions the characters in the story â€Å"A.D: New Orleans After the Deluge†, by Josh Neufeld, a comic book that depicts the moments before, during and after the big disaster. Illustrating different characters within the different status of ranking going through the event differently. Demonstrating how very contrasting the â€Å"high up† and â€Å"low down† society face the consumer society even in the hurricane. Just as how Bauman describe that there areShow MoreRelatedThe City Of New Orleans922 Words   |  4 Pagescould be seen on the roofs of buildings across the city. A neighborhood TV channel reported New Orleans was encountering broad flooding due to levee damage, clean water was scarce, and the city was electrically deficient and was estimated to last for weeks. At day’s end, the Mayor of New Orleans described the considerable death toll with reports of bodies floating on the water throughout the city. The Nat ional Guard set up morgues all throughout the city. Coordination of rescue efforts days to come wereRead MoreThe City Of New Orleans971 Words   |  4 PagesWelcome to the city of New Orleans, Louisiana! New Orleans is one of the most popular cities in the boot. This wonderful, distinctive place is the home of plenty of unknown special activities instead of what most know which is Mardi Gras. Believe it or not, New Orleans, is a go-to city for most events that many, if not most Northern Louisianan may not existence. In other states, people can come to a conclusion that all Louisiana natives are the same, but we vary around the state. New Orleans is differentRead MoreThe City Of New Orleans1709 Words   |  7 PagesThe City of New Orleans is a remarkable city and has enormous potential for expansion. The â€Å"Big Easy† has always been known for the French Quarter, yet New Orleans is so much more than just a â€Å"party city†. I suspect there is a demand to show the â€Å"family friendly† side of our city. My proposal is to offer new development in a vigilant and financially responsible manner, while offering a glimpse of the extraordinarily exciting and expansive visions that I hope to witness in the future. The marketRead MoreThe City Of New Orleans870 Words   |  4 PagesOn August 29, 2005, one of the largest hurricanes ever recorded hit the city of New Orleans, devastating millions and changing their lives and their city forever. The category 3 hurricane created mass displacement and mass destruction that the city has yet to fully recover from. The residents of this once lively and culture-filled city are still attempting to rebuild what was washed away for them ten years ago. Louisiana was home to many individuals who simply loved their state and it’s peopleRead MoreThe City Of New Orleans1805 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"New Orleans is unlike any city in America. Its cultural diversity is woven into the food, the music, the architecture – even the local superstisions. It’s a sensory experience on all levels and there’s a story lukring around every corner.† –Ruta Sepetys The city of New Orleans, Louisiana is a very different and special place. The population is about 390,000 based on the 2014 census. The city was named after the Regent to Louis XV, the Duke of Orleans in the early 1700s. It was established byRead MoreThe City Of New Orleans1471 Words   |  6 Pages In the city of New Orleans emerged one of the most influential music genres in the history of the United States of America. At the time, New Orleans was known for being a blending pot of people or rather, a location where people from all over the world came together in one place. This city served as a key seaport in the U.S. allowing for goods to be imported and exported. The purpose of this city was not only strategic to the growth of the country, but also allowed for the incredible mixing ofRead MoreThe City Of New Orleans2626 Words   |  11 PagesThe city of New Orleans lies below sea level in a bowl bordered by levees which prevent the high waters of the Mississippi River from f looding the city. These levees were put to the test on August 29, 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit, causing severe destruction along the Gulf coast. Three concrete floodwalls protecting the city of New Orleans fractured and burst under the weight of surging waters from the hurricane, killing hundreds and resulting in an estimated $100 to $150 billion worth of damageRead MoreThe Great City Of New Orleans2217 Words   |  9 PagesIn this great city of New Orleans, we have so many extravagant elements that distinguishes us from other cities. From Mardi Gras to the French Quarters to Canal St., they all play an important part in this city s history. The different historical statues we have scattered about the city also cause major attractions and either people love or hate them. Lately, four specific statues have been getting a lot of attention around town from not only the citizens, but from our very own mayor, Mitch LandrieuRead MoreNew Orleans: A Historic City849 Words   |  3 Pag esNew Orleans is the largest city in Louisiana, it is located in the southern part of the state, between The Mississippi River and Lake Ponchartrain. New Orleans has belonged to Spain, France, and the United States. It was founded by the French in 1718. New Orleans has about 712 churches in all. It has about 165 city owned parks. New Orleans is famous for its French Quarter, with its mixture of French, Spanish, and native architectural styles. The Mardi Gras is a week of carnival held in New OrleansRead MoreComparison Between City London And New Orleans1094 Words   |  5 PagesI will compare my city London to New Orleans. I will investigate and compare them to each other which is going to be easy I hope you enjoy me explaining to you their similarities and difference. Landforms: New Orleans, Louisiana has a river named Mississippi Rivers, wet marsh land, Sabine uplifts are Shallow, muddy seas advanced and retreated over the coastal and river plains many times, and gray clay deposited under these seas now forms the aquifers of northern Louisiana. Which are and has no mountains;

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Margots Intentional Killing in Hemingways The Short...

Ernest Hemingway is known for writing novels and short stories with unresolved endings. In his short story, ?The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber?, he definitely leaves his readers guessing. The question is whether Margot kills her husband, Francis, intentionally, or if she accidentally shoots him, because she tries to save his life. There are many points that could be argued for both conclusions, but my observations have led me to believe that Margot did indeed shoot her husband intentionally, however, without pre-meditation. Margot has one of the most obvious motivations to kill her husband: money. In addition, she, on the other hand, has one great asset, her beauty, ?They had a sound basis of union. Margot was too beautiful†¦show more content†¦Francis reveals his lack of self-confidence and control over the situation. ?If he had been better with women she would probably have started to worry about him getting another new, beautiful wife but she knew too much about him to worry? (Hemingway). His lack of self-confidence has given her all the power in the relationship and it was a major contributing factor in her infidelity. Later on in the story, the growth of Francis?s confidence during the buffalo hunt and Margot?s displeasure with it is the final clue in determination of the death of Francis Macomber. The buffalo hunt gives Francis a new found sense of ?happiness?. This ?new wealth? of confidence is powerful for Francis and devastating for Margot . ?Fear gone like an operation. Something els e grew in its place. Main thing a man had. Made him into man. Women knew it too. No bloody fear? (Hemingway). Margot knew at this point that if Francis survives the trip, he might possess enough personal strength and finally leave her, and that is what encourages her decision to kill him. At the end of the story Wilson confirms the reader?s suspicion when he reacts to the shooting by saying to Margot, ?That was a pretty thing to do? (Hemindway). That statement reinforces the belief that Margot was indeed taking advantage of the opportunity to ensure her long-term wealth and eliminate the possibility of being

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Patriot Act Free Essays

The United States 9/11 attack has marked a significant event in the history. The attack against USA was a proof that even strong and imperialist countries are never safe at any time. It has severely damaged the US reputation and challenged them further – economically, politically and socially. We will write a custom essay sample on The Patriot Act or any similar topic only for you Order Now This system reluctance has made citizens and government more vigilant of their safety, and consequently it led US into formally launching laws and policies that aimed to strengthen their defenses against terrorist activities. Immediately following the 9/11 attack, the US government was fast into amending the US Patriotic Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism). This act contains 157 sections, which includes legal responses to assist terrorist victims, protect civilians from fake solicitations, and provide benefits for public safety (Perez, 2003). The act gave more ability to the law enforcement bodies to investigate on cases suspected to involve local and foreign terrorist activities, more power to target monetary transactions that possibly induced terrorist connections and filter against all electronic communication devices that may be infiltrated by terrorist activities (Gable). According to the US government and its supporters, the US Patriot Act shall be able to reveres terrorism efforts and effects in several ways: (1) The Patriot Act allows investigators to use the tools that were already available to investigate organized crime and drug trafficking; (2) The Patriot Act facilitated information sharing and cooperation among government agencies so that they can better â€Å"connect the dots. â€Å"; (3) The Patriot Act updated the law to reflect new technologies and new threats and; (4) The Patriot Act increased the penalties for those who commit terrorist crimes (The USA Patriotic Act: Preserving Life and Liberty, pp. 1-4). However, several years have passed since the attack and since the start of the implementation of the act, numerous claims of its inefficacy have emerged; moreover, instead of its benefits being publicized, its negative implications and results are rather more rampant. Shortly two years since the 9/11 occurrence, and even right at the moment that we speak, numerous cases of violations of human liberties have bee n reported to have thwarted the civilian. More so, it has nourished the feeling of discontent and dissent over concerned citizens as the act continued its â€Å"rampage against terrorism. † What the act has merely done is to limit the privacy of the civilians. The act has legalized all sorts of interferences towards the private messages and way of communication that every individual goes through against their will, and even behind private citizens’ knowledge and consent (Kranich, 2003). The act, though it has indeed signaled the intensified battle against terrorism, it has also catered the arena that strengthened the backbone for government intervention against private citizens. Ironically though, the same provisions that are supposedly and potentially to be of important use in order to eliminate terrorist activities, are the same provisions that have suppressed the liberty of individuals and have further violated human rights in a number of ways. Amidst the oppositions from concerned groups against the passage and the continuity of the amendment, still the US government pursued its interest to counter terrorism even against the will and support of a large part of the American citizens, as well as other citizens around the world. Now, looking back at the instances starting from the attack, towards the end wherein the US legalized such provisions for the US Patriot Act – it is only rational to take a look on what it has caused and asses if the result was worth taking the risk once more if the provisions of the act are to be renewed. Personally, if I were to take a vote on whether the act should be renewed, I would rather have it reassessed first and point out the blunders that have caused too much opposition against it. At one point, the act was passed under limited time and too much pressure from the international community as it was enacted shortly after the 9/11 attack, it is enough to say that it was passed without proper deliberations (Van Bergen, 2002) Moreover, changes are really ought to be done in order to create a just and equal standpoint in battling against terrorism. One thing that should be changed is the utter disrespect against individual liberty that it encourages. Anything that directly and deliberately limits and suppresses the freedom and privacy of an individual must be opposed just because of mere suspicions. If anything must be done that shall violate the rights of the individuals, proper investigation must take recourse and until sufficient information are gathered, no one holds the right to interfere against anyone’s privacy. Though the US Patriot Act was implemented in its goal to counter terrorist attacks and to further protect the welfare of the American citizens, as well as other citizens in world but, it should not be forgotten that the basic right to freedom of the individuals should not be put at stake. Countrywide safety is really important, however, to totally violate the human rights is also as dangerous as what terrorism can bring, thus justifying the changes, if not the repeal of the US Patriot Act. References Department of Justice. The USA Patriotic Act: Preserving Life and Liberty. Retrieved from Life and Liberty database Gable, Garrett. Effects of the USA Patriot Act. Retrieved December 2, 2007 from http://people. cornellcollege. edu/G-Gable/USAPA. htm Kranich, Nancy. (2003) The Impact of USA Patriot Act: An Update. Retrieved December 2, 2007 from http://www. fepproject. org/commentaries/patriotactupdate. html Perez, Paul. 2003. USA Patriot Act helps efforts to combat terrorism. Retrieved December 2, 2007 from St. Petersburg Times Van Bergen, Jennifer. 2002. Repeal the USA Patriot Act. Retrieved December 2, 2007 from www. truthout. org How to cite The Patriot Act, Papers The Patriot Act Free Essays After the United States was attacked in the infamous 9/11 episode, the United States enacted the United States of 2001 on October 24, 2001 (Mil Net, 2001). The law was passed without any objections to the passage of the law, and was signed by President Bush on October 26 of the same year (Encarta, 2008). The Patriot Act is considered as the centerpiece legislation of the United States’ response to the September 11, 2001 tragedy (John Gamboa, 2008). We will write a custom essay sample on The Patriot Act or any similar topic only for you Order Now The law by its defintion is a tool that aims to strengthen the instruments of the law enforcement arms of the state, especially its police and prosecutin arms, with the goal of preventing attacks of this kind in the future (Encarta, 2008). The act itself lays out specific rules on surveillance, intelligence gathering and sharing among law enforcement units, money laundering, security at entrance and exit points of the country and criminal law among others (Gamboa, 2008). In conjuction with the applicability of other statutes, has in fact given more foundation to the civil freedoms and rights of people (Paul Rosenweig, Alane Kochems James Jay Carafano, 2004). To prevent abuse, the Act has been one of the most extensive reporting procedures attached on any law (Rosenweig, Kochems Carafano, 2004). But the question lies not in the benefits, but whether the law should be encated as is, with amendments or totally scrapped. Many critics of the Act have demonized the legislation as an instrument of abuse and a threat to individual rights (Paul Rosenweig, 2004). In the lifetime of the Act, many of the provisions in the law have either been amended, changed and re-worded to effect changes in the law to make it adapt to broader changes to attain less then defined and specific goals (Gamboa, 2008). But after all the smoke of critcism has cleared, one thing is still evident, the Act is still a very important tool in the fight against terrorism (Rosenweig, 2004). In the past, law enforcement groups were limited in the amount and quality of information that they could pass on to each other. The Act virtually did away with that limitation (Rosenweig, 2004). In this light, a majority of Americans, about 60 percent, are in favor of re-enacting that Act, but oppose any additional powers given to entities like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, like access to electronic mail, issuing subpoenas (Gary Langer, 2005) and to limit the access or rights of immigrants on U. S soil (New York Civil Liberties Union, 2005). Congress, basing on the utility of the Act, must enact the Act, subject to thorough study and discussion. Under the current ambit of the law, it is the people of the United States that are more apprehensive of the law than the intended terrorist targets (Gamboa, 2008). Many of the oppositors of the Act even claim that the law was just a cover for some law enforcement agencies to obtain the new expanded powers in the Act (Encarta, 2008). But again, the law and its effects would be more beneficial than the percieved threats to the citizenry (Rosenweig, Kochems Carafano, 2004). And that is where the powers and wisdom of the members of Congress must step in to review and take action against the threats that the Act has seemed to conjure up (Rosenweig, Kochems Carafano, 2004). References Gamboa, J. B. (2008, September 11). The Patriot Act. The Daily Aztec -9/11 where are we now http://media. www. thedailyaztec. com/media/storage/ paper741/news/2008/09/11/911WhereAreWeNow/The-Patriot. Act-3425472. shtml Langer, G. (2005). Poll: support seen for Patriot Act. Retrieved September 25, 2008, from http://abcnews. go. com/US/PollVault/story? id=833703 Mil Net. (2001). U. S. Patriot Act of 2001. Retrieved September 25, 2008, from http://www. milnet. com/pat-act-HR3162. htm MSN Encarta. (2008). Patriot Act. Retrieved September 25, 2008, from http://encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_701712693_3/Patriot_Act. html New York Civil Liberties Union. (2005). Oppose expansion of USA Patriot Act. Retrieved September 25, 2008, from http://ga1. org/nyclu/alert-description. html? alert_id=1303074 Rosenweig, P. (2004). United States. Retrieved September 25, 2008, from http://italianlibertarians. tripod. com/id12. html Rosenweig, P. , Kochems, A. James Jay Carafano, J. J. ( 2004). The Parito Act reader: understanding the law’s role in the global war on terrorism. Retriieved September 25, 2008, from http://www. heritage. org/Research/HomelandDefense/upload/69895_1. pdf How to cite The Patriot Act, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Newspeak Essays - Nineteen Eighty-Four, Historical Revisionism

Newspeak Newspeak Newspeak is a name given to the forecoming language of the totalitarian society portrayed in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The language itself is a supposed creation by Big Brother, the fictitious political figure made up by the Inner Party - the government of Oceania, INGSOC. The language of Newspeak is the product of diminishing and reducing of words thought unnecessary in the existing language - the same as Modern English - by the government, resulting in a smaller vocabulary. This way the totalitarian leaders of Oceania, the Inner Party, can control the knowledge of the people in the society, Outer Party and the Proletarians, to wipe out all heretical thought by destroying unorthodox words and meanings. Once the language of Newspeak replaces the existing speech of Oceania, the Inner Party could spread propaganda without any opposition capable of expressing their feelings. In this way, the use of Newspeak will ultimately lead to the perfect society according to the philosophy of the Party. The philosophy the Party follows is to hold and maintain power over the nation, unlike earlier governments that have fallen against revolts and revolutions; to make their power over the lower classes of the hierarchy - Outer Party and the Proletarians - permeant. To do this, the Party follows their slogans of, ?War is Peace', 'Freedom is Slavery' and Ignorance is Strength', each one a summary of the blueprint of the Party's workings. The first slogan, ?War is Peace', can be narrowed down to a meaning that, while there is war being fought across the country, the Outer Party and the Proletarians will be too contempt in defending themselves that their attentions will not turn against the Inner Party - the rulers. The second, ?Freedom is Slavery', means that the freedom of the Inner Party's high ground leads to slavery within the governing system whereby they have to constantly make decisions and choices of ruling and control over lower members of the hierarchy. The last slogan is the most important as far is Newspeak is concerned in that Newspeak is directly related to it. It means that by keeping the lower classes of Oceania ignorant of what is going on around themselves and by controlling how much and what these people get to know, the lower classes are made easier to control and inturn the Party is strengthened. The Inner Party could spread any form of propaganda or conspiracies without any resistance of non-believers. With the use of Newspeak, the Party would be greatly strengthened in that Newspeak is designed to narrow the possibility of human thought. By cutting out all forms of words and meanings that describes a revolt for example, anyone only knowing Newspeak will be ignorant to even the thought of rebelling. ?Thoughcrime', a word in Newspeak meaning any thoughts by a person evolving plans or actions that are unorthodox, with the adoption of Newspeak, will be, "...literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it."(p55, ln14). "Orthodoxy means not thinking - not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness."(p56, ln15). Indeed, in the novel, there is no war going on, but a false war is created existing only in the mind, by the Party in accordance of the first slogan. The false war will never be uncovered because the use of Newspeak will limit even the thought of a false war. The way the Inner Party keeps its subordinates happy and loyal is by creating propagandrous false statistic of achievements in the country. Again this will never be uncovered because of the limitations Newspeak puts on one's thoughts. In this way, through the help of Newspeak, propaganda can be spread with the most monovalent ease. In conclusion, "We're getting language into its final shape - the shape it's going to have when nobody speaks anything else..."(Topic Sheep, 1), and when this happens, the Party will have reached their ultimate goal of control. Propaganda will be spreadable across boundless plains through every desire of the Party. The most doubleplusgood for the Party, no one will be able to do anything about it because no one will be able to think anything of it.