Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Pros and Cons of Building a Casino in Your Neighborhood

Pro’s †¢ New Jobs †¢ Entertainment †¢ Expand Tourism †¢ Contribution to Community †¢ Contribution to Charitable Organizations †¢ Lower taxes for Residents †¢ Tax Revenues †¢ Higher Wages †¢ Higher Property Value †¢ Extends Visitors Stay in Area †¢ Money put back into Local Economy †¢ Adds to a City †¢ Attracts People †¢ Traffic of People – Better Known Con’s †¢ Street Crime †¢ Prostitution †¢ Takes from Local businesses †¢ No New Businesses †¢ Erosion of Work Ethic †¢ Pathological Gamblers †¢ Increased Bankruptcy Rates †¢ Preys on Poor and Elderly †¢ Lost Productivity †¢ Traffic Congestion †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦The people buying the tax-free tobacco are not even contributing to the state budget, part of which in part pays for the huge cost of tobacco smoke and leads many to develop lung disease. Questions, discussions, and opinions are on a rise to whether a new casino should be built in Buffalo, New York. If we ask what benefits, or what economic development will this casino bring to the community there would not be enough answers as to compare to the negative effects it will actually bring. This essay will discuss the economic impacts, social and opportunity costs brought by casinos from economist researchers who have showed significant points to why casino worsen the economy and making it harder for local businesses and employment opportunity. To answer the question, â€Å"What is economic development?†Dr. Grinols professor of economics at Baylor University and author of Gambling in America: cost and benefits, 2004 said, â€Å"When indivi duals undertake productive activity, they engage in the creation of goods and service that provide greater welfare or satisfaction than the inputs used.† (Grinols 2004). Economic development is the creation of greater value by society from its available resources which means greater income and wealth, which lead to greater utility for members of society (Grinols 2004). Dr. GrinolsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Reparations for Native Americans1881 Words   |  8 PagesCollin Brooke Term paper Native American Reparations: Pro or Con? The subject of paying some sort of reparations to Native Americans is a hot topic, and views range from the popular Fox News commentator Glen Beck who is very against reparations to the University of Colorado former Professor, Ward Churchill who is for reparations. President Obama himself has also put of his input on the topic with speeches both during the Presidential campaign and after his Inauguration. This paper seeks toRead MoreWal-mart case analysis. This paper includes SWOT/TOWS analysis, PEST analysis, environemental scan and strategic analysis.5493 Words   |  22 Pagescompared to fiscal year 2003, Wal-Mart stores segment experience a 9.1% increase in operating profit and a 10.9% increase in sales in fiscal year 2004 Ø Domestic expansion resulted from the addition of 139 new discount stores, Supercenters and Neighborhood markets, as well as 130 conversion and/or relocation from Discount stores to Supecenters. Ø Internationally, Wal-Mart added 83 units net of clothings. Worldwide square footage increased approximately 46 million per square or *%. B. STRATEGICRead MoreCrm in Supermarkets30832 Words   |  124 PagesSpecial recognition is due for the many food industry executives who shared their precious time and information through surveys and interviews. Without the vision and efforts of these industry leaders, the information in this report would not be in your hands today. Their sacrifice is the food industry’s gain. 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Nothing about this singular and rather marginal branch of mathematics would at this time have suggested its later encounter with economics.1 The analogy between economic activity and what goes on in casinos was only suggested much later, in a far diï ¬â‚¬erent economic environment than that which these two mathematicians would have been able to observe. One could say that J. Von Neumann was the person who both conferred a sense of scientiï ¬ c legitimacy

Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on A Beautiful Mind Case Study of Schizophrenia

â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† movie is based on the case study of real life mathematician John Nash who suffered from schizophrenia. The aspects of schizophrenia affected John Nash in many ways. Ethics is defined in the textbook as, â€Å"Are the tools or behaviors that one employs to achieve a desired outcome. Means can be either good or bad. Ends are those outcomes that one desires to achieve†(Polgar Thomas, 2008). The movies case study, include the sign and symptoms, social effects and treatment of schizophrenia and how it took a toll on his overall career. John Nash behaviors fell under ethical, unethical, Machiavellian, and subjective this was due to him suffering from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental illness that has major†¦show more content†¦(2011). The plot of the film revolves around the life of John Nash, a genius mathematician who had paranoid schizophrenia. Nash’s autonomy helped assisted him in overcome the stigma associated with schizophrenia. Mathematicians Observation: John demonstrates a unique ability to see patterns with a pattern rising off the glass and synchronizing with patterns on Neilson’s tie. This can be tied to on of his symptoms of schizophrenia in which there is assault on his senses and therefore, when he sees something it looks somewhat bright and distorted by color or shape. †¢ New stressor: John although at Princeton University as a student, he feels as if he has major competitors who humiliate him by calling him a waiter instead of him being a student of math. Since this has happened John retreats from the situation and heads towards his room where he experiences isolation as he looks outside at other students who are interacting with another. At this moment this stressor is high because he displays a positive symptom of hallucination. The Challenge (During College) The stress of the competition is reinforced as Martin defeats John in a mathematical board game while also reminding John that two colleagues, Bender and Sol, have published a paper and Martin, himself, has two papers under review. The defeat causes John to rush away from his peers with a very obvious physical clumsiness. TheShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis : A Beautiful Mind1564 Words   |  7 PagesA Beautiful Mind (Grazer, Howard, Howard, 2001) is a film about the life of John Nash Jr. John Nash was a mathematician studying at Princeton University on a Carnegie Scholarship in 1947. The film portrays Nash’s academic journey, career, and personal life. As an adult, John Nash was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is classified as an emotional or behavioral low-incidence disorder disorder (Smith Tyler, 2010, p. 234). According to Smith and Tyler, about 1% of the general populationRead MoreSeizures and the Brain1084 Words   |  4 Pagescomponent in the biological paradigm for treatment of schizophrenia. At this early stage of understanding schizophrenia’s pathology, it was believed these chemicals were imbalanced and shocking the brain would force a rebalance of these vital chemicals. Once rebalanced, it was hypothesized the patient would no longer suffer from schizophrenia (Th aryan, 2005). The insight into treating neurotransmitter imbalances in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia began the treatment path to present day antipsychoticRead MoreMovie Analysis – a Beautiful Mind1439 Words   |  6 PagesMovie Analysis – A Beautiful Mind A Beautiful Mind is a true story based on the life of John Forbes Nash, the mathematical genius who, while a graduate at Princeton University in the 1940s, discovered a principle equation that changed economic theory. But his extraordinary career was sidetracked by his struggle with schizophrenia, almost destroying his family and himself. The irony of his predicament was that the drugs that kept his psychosis in check also prevented him from thinking coherentlyRead MoreBeautiful Mind Case Study754 Words   |  4 Pagesof Mental Health (NIMH), Schizophrenia is defined as: a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). The thematic presence of paranoid schizophrenia in Sylvia Nasar’s â€Å"Beautiful Mind† resonates as a case study regarding this disorder.Read MoreMental Health : A Psychological Disorder922 Words   |  4 Pagesthus requiring them to receive treatment. The movie A Beautiful Mind is a perfect portrayal of a psychological disorder, and can be used to examine the ways in which the characteristics of a mental disorder manifest themselves, as well as how the disorder itself can affect a person s life. The movie is an autobiographical story about the life of John Nash, an influential mathematician and Nobel Prize winner who battled with schizophrenia. The film demonstrates the extent of damage that a psychologicalRead MoreAnalysis Of John Nash s Class We Watched A Beautiful Mind 843 Words   |  4 PagesIn class we watched â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† this movies has to due with a man named John Nash (Russell Crowe) who a genius mathematician who eventually finds himself struggling with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a brain disorder in which people interpret re ality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking and behavior. John Nash the main character had severe hallucinations, in particular with three main people. Although the new DiagnosticRead MoreAnalysis Of John Nash s Class We Watched A Beautiful Mind 977 Words   |  4 PagesIn class we watched â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† this movie tells the story of a man named John Nash (Russell Crowe) who is a genius mathematician that eventually finds himself struggling with Paranoid Schizophrenia. â€Å"Schizophrenia is a brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and dis- ordered thinking and behavior (mayoclinic.org)†. John Nash the main character has severe hallu- cinations, in particular with threeRead MoreA Beautiful Mind: an Abnormal Movie Analysis1027 Words   |  5 PagesA Beautiful Mind: An Abnormal Movie Analysis A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 cinematic semi-biography based upon the life of Nobel Laureate of Economics John Forbes Nash, Jr. Seneca said that there is no great genius without some touch of madness, and this is certainly the case with Dr. Nash. The movie opens on Nash as a graduate student at Princeton University. He struggles to find a unique idea, one that will set him apart from his peers and earn him recognition. Though Nash is self-admittedlyRead MoreA Beautiful Mind By John Nash Essay1601 Words   |  7 Pages In the film, â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†, the main character is John Nash. Nash represents the life of a person struggling with schizophrenia. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), in order for an individual to meet the criteria for schizophrenia, one must include two or more of the following symptoms for at least 1 month and at least one symptom must be one of the first three: Delusions, Hallucinations, Dis organized Speech, Disorganized (or CatatonicRead MoreA Beautiful Mind: a Case Study Essay1714 Words   |  7 PagesRunning head: A BEAUTIFUL MIND 1 A Beautiful Mind: A Case Study A BEAUTIFUL MIND 2 Diagnostic Impression: Axis I 295.30 Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type, Continuous Axis II V71.09 No Diagnosis Axis III None Axis IV Psychosocial and Educational Stressors Axis V GAF = 55 (highest level in past 30 years) Case Study: John Nash suffers from Paranoid Schizophrenia. He is a gifted mathematician who began graduate school at Princeton University in 1947

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Cheating in High School Free Essays

Cheating in School Cheating is an issue nowadays that has affected many students at one time or another throughout their education. It’s a serious issue that can be dealt with in a lot of different ways. Some examples of cheating are copying homework, looking at someone else’s test, plagiarizing, and a new way to cheat based on recent technology, which allows another student to now buy or steal papers from the Internet, and passing them off as their own. We will write a custom essay sample on Cheating in High School or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being lazy and freaking out if you’re not passing is not a good reason to cheat. Nothing good will ever come from cheating, no matter how good you are at it. In high school, there are serious consequences for cheating. Students who get caught cheating by a teacher will have their paper taken up and get an automatic zero, or they will rip up the paper, and the teacher will contact the student’s parents and tell them what happened. If the student perhaps was taking their final, and was caught cheating, he or she basically will fail the class and will have to take the class all over again. Another cause of students cheating is that some people out there are just lazy and want a quick A in the class and to make sure they pass. If students actually cared about their education, they wouldn’t be cheating, and they would want to do their own work on their own. Most students who cheat in high school just want to graduate, and finish up with their high school years. The last reason why students cheat is that people are freaking out if they are failing a class. Failing a class and doing bad in the class makes students cheat. If students are failing, they will end up cheating on the upcoming test by using someone who is smart in the class, so they can boost their grade up, so they will be able to pass the class. If students are failing the class, they should be going in after school, before school, or during their lunch time on getting help from the teacher to understand the subject more in order to pass the class. The effect of getting caught cheating is there’s a lot of consequences that will happen to you, and having to take the class all over again, and the ffect of how people are lazy and just want a quick A is that students are going to become less responsible for their work, and if students are getting these good grades by cheating, and end up graduating high school, but they don’t know what they want to do with their future, or they do we just let them come in, and do the job they want, but at the same time they could of learned how to do that subject in high school, and if they woul d of done their own work they would know how to do it. Freaking out if the student isn’t passing the class they should be going in for tutorials, and studying hard instead of thinking to themselves that they don’t need to study, or anything while they need to. Over all, the consequences of cheating will hurt you in your life, and no one should be proud of cheating. Nothing good will ever come from cheating. While some people say cheating isn’t wrong unless they get caught they are wrong and that cheating is stealing, and stealing is wrong no matter. How to cite Cheating in High School, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Marketing Communication for Communicating- myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theMarketing Communication for Planning and Communicating. Answer: This is to inform you that that there has been the development of a new marketing team with all of the members dispersed in New York, Beijing, Mumbai and Sydney. This has necessitated the establishment of virtual team spread over the different time zones that undertook communication via both synchronous and asynchronous means (Aiken, Gu and Wang 2013) Formation of the virtual teams has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the virtual team lay in assembling the talented group for completing a complex project through not only innovation but also creativity (Bassanino et al. 2014). However, there are concerns amongst various teams regarding the successful execution of such meetings as it involves challenges like distance and time, difficulties of language, barriers of cultural difference and perception of the deadlines. Therefore, there are certain critical areas that I feel needs necessary attention while managing and leading a virtual team. Planning and Communicating Meeting Agenda: For ensuring productive meeting, it is necessary to outline the happenings before, during and after the proceedings of the meeting. It is also necessary to determine the people attending the meeting thereby giving them the required visibility (McConnell et al. 2013). It is necessary to send in the agenda once decided along with the list of attendee. Showing Consideration for the Team Members of all Time Zones: Scheduling meeting times suitable for everyone might be difficult for a team that is geographically disperse. Instead of fixing a recurring meeting time, it is vital for rotating the time of occurrence for the meetings (Nystrm and Asproth 2013). This puts forward the situation where no single set of employees works at a stretch. Moreover, meeting schedule should be set as per the convenience of the all the team members and not during the late evenings or during the lunch. Maintenance of Level Playing Field: The best practice for a virtual meeting involves engaging everyone via common technology. This involves usage of the collaborative software that ensured everyone in keeping an eye on the same information at the same timing. Matching Technology and the Task: Implementation of advanced technology must take care of the complexity of task. For resolving a conflict or making a decision, collaborative software or video conferencing represents the best tools (Pangil and Moi 2014). Moreover, the participant should engage himself during meeting through chat options and poll. The opinions of attendees needs consideration and necessary feedback regarding key issues collected through polling option or by asking them to choose an option available in the chat box. Keeping Time for Small Talk: Similar to a face-to -face meeting, people in a virtual meeting should be greeted the moment they become a part of the meeting and allotted time for connecting at the personal level. For accommodating this, the team should be given a chance for building relationships through some casual conversation Reinforcing Shared Responsibility: This is the responsibility ensured for tracking the group (Ubell 2016). The shared responsibility can be reinforced by ensuring that different team members hold the responsibility of leading the various part of meeting. One can also consider the rotation of the role for meeting planning and ensure necessary facilitation amongst the team members. Thus, through the memo I have tried to tackle some of the critical areas which if addressed will help in overcoming the challenges of the virtual meetings. Thus, virtual meetings can bring in a revolution in the formation of marketing team for an internally company like XYZ with geographically dispersed location. Thanks Regards, Your name: References: Aiken, M., Gu, L. and Wang, J., 2013. Task knowledge and task-technology fit in a virtual team.International Journal of Management,30(1), p.3. Bassanino, M., Fernando, T. and Wu, K.C., 2014. Can virtual workspaces enhance team communication and collaboration in design review meetings?.Architectural Engineering and Design Management,10(3-4), pp.200-217. McConnell, T.J., Parker, J.M., Eberhardt, J., Koehler, M.J. and Lundeberg, M.A., 2013. Virtual professional learning communities: Teachers perceptions of virtual versus face-to-face professional development.Journal of Science Education and Technology,22(3), pp.267-277. Nystrm, C.A. and Asproth, V., 2013. Virtual TeamsSupport for Technical Communication?.Journal of Organisational Transformation Social Change,10(1), pp.64-80. Pangil, F. and Moi Chan, J., 2014. The mediating effect of knowledge sharing on the relationship between trust and virtual team effectiveness.Journal of Knowledge Management,18(1), pp.92-106. Ubell, R., 2016. Virtual team learning. InGoing Online(pp. 27-33). Routledge.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How to Get More Love from Your Audience

By Chris Reid, Account Manager Do you ever feel like your audience isn’t really connecting with your content? Maybe you thought a blog post you recently published was amazing, but your readers seemed unmoved, no one shared it and no one converted on your website. You may start to wonder what’s wrong with your content. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Almost every content publisher has felt this way at one point or another. Often, content you believe to be extremely valuable and relevant will simply fall flat. However, following the right approach can help remedy this problem and allow you to better connect with your readers. Define Your Objectives If you want people to take action, you’ll first need to decide what action you want them to take. Do you want themto: Sign up to your email newsletter Visit your website Share your content on social media Purchase a product Download a piece of content Post a comment Click on a link Make an enquiry When you set objectives for each piece of content you produce, you are better able to structure that content to accomplish it’s intended goal. You’ll also find it easier to inform the reader of the benefit they’ll gain from viewing that content. Ultimately, goal oriented content can give you and your reader a sense of purpose, resulting in increased action. Choose the Right Channels Even though your content can be distributed across a variety of channels – your website, blog, email and social media channels are the most typical – some channels are more suited to specific businesses and objectives. It depends on your industry and your audience, so it’s worth testing out your content across different channels to see which platforms help you accomplish your goals efficiently. Choose the Best Format The format of your content can have a profound impact on engagement rates. Should you create an ebook, blog post, infographic, newsletter or something else? The type of content you provide will depend on 1) your objectives, 2) your audience and 3) what actions you want them to take. Content can entertain, educate or promote, and each format will lend itself to different objectives. Entertaining content Use when you want to boost brand awareness and encourage content sharing. Videos, quizzes and listicles are ideal. Educational content Use when potential customers are further down the sales funnel. Ebooks, reports, articles, case studies and infographics are perfect for generating leads, boosting enquiries and increasing email subscriptions. Promotional content Use in the later stages of the sales funnel, when you want to drive sales. Demo videos and visuals highlighting product and service features can be very effective. Understand What Drives Action Every piece of content should ask the user to take a specific action but take your time. Usually, the right time to include a call-to-action (CTA) is at the end of your content, after you’ve built your credibility. However before users take action, two elements need to be in place: Opportunity If your â€Å"Download Now† button is hard to find, or it doesn’t work, it will result in a lost opportunity. Incentive If your reader can’t see the value of downloading your ebook, they will be unlikely to click the â€Å"Download Now† button. To accomplish more of your goals through your content, identify the actions you want your readers to take, and make sure they have the opportunity and incentive to act. Create relevant and interest inspiring CTAs If your call-to-action is uninspiring and doesn’t offer any benefit to your viewers, they will be far less likely to take that action. To create effective CTAs: Set expectations For example, if you want users to take a quick survey, instead of a CTA like â€Å"Take our survey,† consider â€Å"Take our five-question survey.† This will help users understand that there is minimal commitment required and will result in more clicks. Be inclusive People are more likely to act when there is a fear of missing out. By using CTAs that make readers feel like they might be missing out if they don’t act, like â€Å"Join the thousands who have already benefitted from our services† you can increase your conversions. Get personal Use language that shows you understand your customers’ pain points. For example, â€Å"Stop wasting your advertising dollars: Call today.† Goal Driven Content = More Love From Your Readers If you use these guidelines every time you create content, you’ll have a better chance at increasing engagement and encouraging your audience to take action. Therefore, before you create any content, ask yourself: What am I trying to achieve? How will this benefit my readers? What type of content will help me achieve my goals? Am I giving readers the opportunity and incentive to act? If you can answer these questions, you are on the right track to producing engaging, goal-driven content that your audience will love.

Monday, November 25, 2019

What to Do if Your Laptop is Stolen in College

What to Do if Your Laptop is Stolen in College College is difficult enough without having to worry about things like computer theft. But if the unthinkable happens and someone does walk off with your computer, an already-busy college life can suddenly get a lot more difficult. So just what are your options? Find an Immediate, Short-term Solution Its not like a computer theft ever really happens at a good time, and yet a stolen laptop does seem to occur during the worst parts of the semester. Consequently, dont make things even more challenging for yourself by not setting up some kind of alternative solution as soon as possible. Ask if you can borrow your friends laptop for a little while; see where the nearest computer lab is (as well as what hours its open); check with campus offices, like the IT department, to see if they have any loaner laptops for students whove lost their computers or had them stolen. Let Your Professors and TAs Know If you have a major assignment, midterm, or exam coming up, zip a quick email to your professor (or, better yet, talk to them in person). Keep the drama to a minimum; youre just letting them know, not using the opportunity to present excuses. It takes less than a minute to send an email saying I just wanted to let you know my laptop was stolen yesterday. While Im working to find another solution, I did want to let you know that Im doing my best to stay on schedule with assignments and other computer-based work. Even if you dont end up needing an extension, its smart to be proactive in a situation where you might need a little help. Talk to the Campus or City Police If someone ran off with your laptop, they obviously took something of high value. Even if you think you have a 0% chance of getting your computer back, its still important to file some kind of report. You might need to show something to your professor, for example, to demonstrate that you really did lose all of your work 2 days before your final paper was due. If you or your parents file an insurance claim, you might also need proof of the theft; a police report can help substantiate your loss. Additionally, if your laptop is eventually found, having something official on file can help you get it back. Let the Staff Know If your laptop disappeared in a place like your residence hall, the campus coffee shop, or the library, let the staff know. You might feel like a dummy for leaving your computer unattended while you went to the bathroom or raided the vending machine, but you still should alert the staff. If your laptop was stolen off campus, let the staff of the store or facility know as well. Look Into Replacement Options True, youll probably need a new laptop of some sort. But before rushing out to buy one, see if the theft is covered under any kind of insurance policy. Did you purchase renters insurance, for example, when you moved into your off-campus apartment? Or does your parents homeowners policy cover theft in your residence hall? A few quick phone calls can possibly save you a lot of cash, so make the effort to investigate any insurance coverage you might have but didnt think about until now. Figure Out What Data Went Missing You might be so focused on losing things for your classes like your midterm papers and research that you forget about everything else on your machine. Identity theft, however, may be a major threat for you now. Did you have any banking information saved? What about automatic logins for things like email accounts, social networks, and online stores? If theres even the slightest hint that someone might have access to your personal data, call your bank(s) right away and place a fraud alert on your credit report. Find Another Long-term Solution Unfortunately, getting another laptop right away might not be a realistic option for you, logistically or financially. If youre now stuck without your own computer, spend some time trying to find a reasonable long-term solution. (Note: Always planning on borrowing your roommates computer will get really tricky really quickly.) Check out the computer labs on your campus; make sure you know their hours and plan in advance. See if and how you can reserve a computer in the library. Check with your campus IT department to see if they offer loaner machines or if, by chance, they have an old machine you can rent or borrow for the rest of the semester. Although theres nothing like having your old laptop back, with a little creative work you can find a solution that can carry you through.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Employee Selection and Performance Measurement Essay

Employee Selection and Performance Measurement - Essay Example Therfore, Microsoft uses the content and construct validity approaches to select the most suitable applicants for a particular job. Microsoft conducts a thorough background check of each employee that it recruits. It does not employ discrimination in selection process as it uses the person-organization fit approach. Thus, it ensures that it is free from any legal or ethical issues that may arise from its human resource management activities. Furthermore, it fully ensures that all its online and offline interview questions are designed in a legal manner that encourage diversity in its workplace. Microsoft’s policies are designed in a way that they ensure that human resource activities including employee appraisal programs are employee friendly.In the knowledge economy the competitive advantage of a business is its human resources. This increases the challenges posed to the organizations to be selective and open minded in making their decisions regarding recruitment of employees and forming their strategies for their selection processes, choosing the most effective and relevant performance appraisal method and compensating and rewarding the employees accordingly. Both employee selection and their performance appraisal plays a critical role in the organizational productivity and profitability. The selection phase determines the right employees for the right job and performance appraisals determine their loyalty and therefore, retention in the organization for a long period of time. This report aims to examine the selection and performance appraisal program employed in Microsoft Corporation. I am familiar with the processes through which the employees are selected and their performance is measured in Microsoft Corp. Headquartered in Washington, USA, Microsoft is an American based Multinational Company having offices worldwide. It operates in a diverse range of industries including computer software, consumer electronics, digital distribution, computer hardwa re IT consulting, video games, online advertising, retail stores and automotive software. As of 2011, Microsoft employees 90,000 individuals around the globe. The report will conduct a literature review of the existing literature available on employee selection, performance appraisal methods used in practice and their legal or ethical implications. The report will next examine these practices in Microsoft Corporation and investigate strengths and any weaknesses existing in the current practice of the organization. In the end, the report will provide preliminary recommendations based on the analysis and provide a reflection of the study. 2 Processes Used for Employee Selection and Performance Measurement in Microsoft Corporation Bohlander, Carson and Kinicki (1992) argued that there is a misunderstanding in the world among the personnel

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sports Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sports Communications - Essay Example As jet air travel globalized sport, the distinction between the best amateur and the professional players became impossible to maintain; even the Olympic movement abandoned founder Baron Pierre de Coubertin's original devotion to amateurism. Still debatable is whether the quantitative change in the number of viewers of television has completely changed the quality of the sporting experience. Do children, for instance, deliberately emulate the petulant and violent player behavior they often see on television, ignoring the coaches who try to instill principles of fair play Do most coaches, at all levels, put winning before the health and welfare of their players Have international players become simply pawns in the hands of the media industry Or has television simply opened up electronic seats for fans and made it impossible for sportswriters and commentators to glorify people and events those fans can now see for themselves Has media money justified itself by providing training and competing opportunities for those who had previously been excluded from sports they could not afford to learn What is certain is that some sports have always been "more equal than others"; fans choose to what they will give their allegiance. The media can create or increase temporary interest in specific events, but unless what the media discuss or show is rooted in more than the event itself, interest evaporates. Swimming While a complex, rapidly developing sport may be expected to generate many internal problems, synchro's main controversy, "sport or theater," is generated externally, by media that are unwilling to consider as "sport" anything not meeting the "swifter, higher, stronger" standard. But even Sports Illustrated, despite normally less than flattering reviews, admitted in its report on the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, "Synchronized swimmers may look like cupcakes, but they're tough cookies, half the routine is performed upside down in a pool" (Dawn Bean 128). Its water-show beginnings still haunt it. The idea that water ballet is show, while synchronized swimming is sport, has been hard to sell to swimming officials, the public, and the media. Its acceptance into the Olympic Games came only after Lord Killanin, then chair of the International Olympic Committee, saw it for himself at the third World Aquatic Championships. "I am very impressed. I saw synchronized swimming for the first time to day. It is a very elegant sport" (Dawn Bean 197). Synchro enjoys more popularity and acceptance as a sport in parts of the world outside the United States. In every Olympic competition, 1984 through 1996, it has been one of the first sports to sell out all audience tickets. Another issue is male participation. Interestingly, at the turn of the century competitions in the equivalent of figures were for males. Then the beautiful spectaculars of aquacades and films accented the female attraction. Early U.S. competitions included male championships, but they were never popular. Neither U.S. nor international rules prohibit male participation except for the Olympic Games and the World Aquatic Championships. Presently, male participation is greater in Europe than in the United States and Canada. Indeed, in 1991, the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Heat and Temperature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Heat and Temperature - Essay Example Whether the matter is in the form of solid, liquid or gas, it consists of molecules. These molecules are in constant movement bombarding each other like billiard balls. Such characteristic of motion is responsible for the production of heat. However, the amount of heat produce depends on the speed of collision produced by the molecules. The faster the motions of the particles are the higher the thermal energy is enough to change the state of the matter from solid to liquid or to gas. With this, it is inevitable not to relate heat with the kinetic theory of matter. Heat is defined as the transfer of energy from an object with higher temperature to an object with lower temperature (Freeman, 2005). For instance, if you touch a hot iron, you feel the heat as the thermal energy enters your hand because the iron is warmer than your hand. Consequently, if you touch a cold drink, the energy passes out of your hands and into the cold drink. The heat which passes from the hot iron to a colder hand originates in the internal energy of the hot object. The internal energy is the sum of the kinetic energy of the molecules called the molecular energy. The kinetic energy is called the thermal energy. Both kinetic and potential energies of the molecules provide the ultimate source of heat which is only appreciated when there is a difference in the temperature of objects coming in contact together until equilibrium is reached. With this, it is important to note that when one is exposed outside the cold winter, there is a need to wear a coat to slow down the fl ow of the heat from the body. Temperature is the state of coldness and hotness of an object measured with a device called thermometer. The expansion and contraction of the mercury within the thermometer is compared in a scale to measure how much thermal energy is present in certain molecules of an object.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Amway Company Analysis

Amway Company Analysis Executive Summary Introduction to Contemporary Development in Business and Management Business environment comprise of political, economic, social and technological (PEST) forces that have the power to control and influence of a business, and that can potentially have both a positive and a negative impact on the business. As we can see, the current economic downturn began with a decline in the business capital and investment. As a result of it, lots of big corporation started to layoff its employee to reduce cost of employment or payout, companies restructuring its strategies, inventory liquidation, practising eco-friendly concept and consumer spending becomes more wane. For instance, ‘the Chicago Boeings Commercial Airplane unit setting its plan to reduce its employment from 20,000 to 30,000 people by the year of 2002, in order to support the uncertainty of the environment faced by its airplane customers Boeing, (2001). Also, ‘retailers reduce its product price and designer products such as Gucci started to merge with other luxury stores to reduce the charge for some goods. This is because consumers tends to focus what they needs, but not what they wants D innocenzio (2009). Basically, the internal environment of a business involves everything within the organisation, such as the organisations structure and culture, its human relations policies and procedures, the skills and experience of the staffs. While the external environment affects every work team in the business and affects the business as a whole. These influences can be categorised under the headings political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and eco-environmental, mnemonic PESTLE. Both, internal and external environment plays an important part in an organisation as they internal environment have influence on the external environment and businesss external environment has a major influence on all of the businesss activity. Introduction to Company Background Amway is a pioneer and leader of worlds largest direct selling companies which are started by Jay Van Andel and Rich Devos in year 1959. The parent company of Amway is actually Alticor Inc. Today, Amway operates in more than 80 countries and territories in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. It offers business opportunity to the people based on retailing beauty, nutritional, wellness and household products. Amway has more than 13,000 employees worldwide while it distributors are part of sales force of more than 3 million owners around the world (Amway, 2006). In this project, I have chosen Amway in China. Amway (China) co. Limited (ACCL) headquarter is in Guangzhou and has two regional offices in Beijing and Shanghai, with more than 5,000 employees and 200 thousand independent business owners (IBOs) in various facilities across the country. ACCL has received the ISO 9001:2000 certificate for quality management and ISO 14001:1996 certificate for environment management. Other than that, ACCL has sponsored more than 3,100 social projects such as health, children, and environmental protection project and with the total contribution of nearly RMB 190 million (Amway China, 2006). Challenges faced by Amway in China When Amway enter to China, the company takes time to adjust to the local culture. As a result, the company use the principles of their business concept which is able to adapt to any country around the world and. The company was operated by the local employee to help them enhance the culture knowledge, give advice on direction of the development of the company and also to run the business as they are more familiar with the local cultures (China Daily, 2008). Besides that, they also meet pyramid selling threats. This is because; the local Chinese people cannot distinguish between direct selling and pyramid selling. The company was forced to cease the operation for two months. However, their worked to explain the nature of the business and how it could contribute to the development of the country and finally they were allowed to reopen again (China Daily, 2008). Although it was a difficult challenges to overcome, but they gain greater respect for and a better understanding to the Chines e government. Internal Analysis of the Company By analysing the internal itself of an organisation, the organisation is able to determine what it can do to achieve the objectives. From there, a company will be able to match a function of its resources, capabilities, core competencies, and competitive advantages with the function of it opportunities and threats in the external environment. This allows the company to develop visible vision, mission, and select a properly strategies to be implemented. There are few models that we can use to analysis the internal environment such as SWOT analysis and perceptual mapping. SWOT Analysis ‘SWOT refers to a method for analysing four aspects of an organisation and is a way of conducting performance audit method, means, and their effectiveness Kaufman, Oakley-Browne, Watkins, Leigh (2003 p, 259). First of all is strength, which is analysing those strengths of the organisation. This will allow future strategies and tactics to be implemented successfully. Second, weakness is to analyse those internal processes, resources, and cultural elements that will be barriers to achieving organisation objectives. Third, opportunities is to analyse those demands and influences in the environment that could be used in future to develop better methods. And finally, threats is analyse those external demand and influences in the environment that could be a barriers to future outcomes. Company Vision The ACCL vision is to work each and every day to help people to live better lives. By helping people everywhere to discover their potential goals, offering better value and quality products for consumers, sharing generously with the global community, the corporate contributions that help improve the quality of live in China and by providing personal assistance to individuals in need especially children. Other than that, the Company takes pride in their commitment to business excellence, caring for people and their communities and concern for the environment. Functions are perform by IBOs IBOs is an Independent Business Owners which perform function associated with management. They are in-charge in organising meetings and events. Also, they devise incentive programs and recruitments. Marketing for Amway products and the Amway business is also part of their responsibility. Perceptual Mapping External Analysis of the Company Changes in the business environment create both opportunities and threats to the organisations development. Therefore, it is important to ensure there is a continuous monitoring the environment of the organisation in order to build its business, development strategic capabilities that move the organisation forward and improving its services and products to meet the need of customers. Ecological Factors ‘Corporate ecology is a term used to describe process through which resources are allocated and transformed by corporate entities for use by citizen in modern, free market societies ( Sharma, Starik, and Husted, 2007, p,140). It represents a mindset direct toward deeper understanding and appreciation of the dynamic process through which resources are redistributed. In other words, as corporations act in pursuit of their goals they have direct and indirect impact on a variety of people, communities, governments and the natural environmental systems such as air, water, and biodiversity. Its influences within Organisation Policies and Decision Making There are quite a numbers of community programs has been carry out by ACCL. For instance, ACCL sponsored environmental theme park in China. The event was held on 13th and 14th June, 2008 to create awareness to the children to protecting the environment. Apart from that, this program helps enhance peoples environmental awareness by identifying the blind spots of environmental protection. Meanwhile, to support the Amway vision by helping people live better lives in China (Hertstein, 2009). Next, ACCL donated 1.06million Yuan to set up Amway Spring Bud Teacher Training Centre in Dayang on May 2008. ACCl partnered with China children and teenagers fund (CCTF) to launch the charity fund which focuses on providing long-term professional education and physiological training for the local teachers (China Daily, 2009). The purposes of the events was to help local teachers have a better understanding towards childrens psychological characteristics, psychological therapy practice on kids, and psychological self relief of the teachers at the earthquake-stricken area. Aside from psychological counselling, the charity project also aims to rebuild the education infrastructure and repair schools. Furthermore, on 8th May, 2008 the ‘Sunshine Project is cooperation between ACCL with the China Children and Teenagers Fund (CCTF). Due to a nationwide urbanization initiative in China, children of migrant families believe to have not received the same education and health support as compared with other city children. Project Sunshine is aim to make a significant impact and create awareness of this social issue. Meanwhile, helping, identify needs and give support to these migrant children and family and create an opportunity for them to share same education and health support. Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Organisation Response The event of ACCL sponsoring of Environment Theme park has resulted increasing interest in environmental protection and realising the importance of harmony between economic and environmental development from the Chinese government (Herstein, 2009). On 31st May, 2009 Amway was granted the ‘China Childrens Charity Award by the All China Womens Federation (ACWF) and CCTF in recognition of the Amway Spring Bud Teacher Training Centre (Herstein, 2009). These teachers from the centre were estimated will help 15,000 children. On 31st March, 2009, Amways Project Sunshine received two recognitions from China Enterprise News which are ‘Excellent Corporate Social Responsibility Program for a Multinational Corporations and ‘Most Innovative Corporate Social Responsibility Program (Herstein, 2009). In the next three years, more than 45,000 children will be empowered with knowledge through various activities that integrate migrant children with urban school children by Amway community.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Life and Mind of Jerry Garcia in Conjunction with Howard Gardners Model of Creativity :: Howard Gardner Jerry Garcia Paperes

The Life and Mind of Jerry Garcia in Conjunction with Howard Gardner's Model of Creativity "We always though of the Grateful Dead as being the engine that was driving the spaceship that we were traveling on."-Ken Babbs, a former Merry Prankster "Daddy is sleeping. Don't touch the guitars." -Heather Garcia In his Creating Minds, Howard Gardner states the purpose of his book as an examination of the "...often peculiar intellectual capacities, personality configurations, social arrangements, and creative agendas, struggles, and accomplishments" (6). In this paper I will examine the life and creativity of John Jerome Garcia from the framework and theories provided by Gardner, from the perspective of aptness in the musical intelligence. One of the most significant events of Jerry Garcia's childhood occurred when he was four and brother Clifford, "Tiff," was eight. "We'd been given a chore to do...he'd hold the wood and I'd chop it...he was [messing] around and I was just constantly chopping." Jerry lost about half of his right ring finger. This was the first of many losses Jerry experienced that would affect his life and musical style. The Early Years Born in San Francisco, Jerry Garcia was the son of a registered nurse and an immigrant big bandleader. When Garcia's band broke up, he went into the bar business. It was right after the Depression. "It was a job he had to take to survive. Back then, you had to take any damn thing." Continuing the pattern of loss, Garcia drowned when Jerry was five. It is notable that he grew up with a single parent, an environment that characterizes many of today's children's formative experiences. When his father died, his decided to continue the bar business. As a result of this, what was left of the Garcia family moved around the San Francisco area quite frequently during the childrens' formative years. All the family members the children knew lived within a five-block radius. This enabled them to have an even bigger run of the city, as they would often ride the train around town to visit relatives. Prodigiousness One of the issues in Gardner's model is the child prodigy. We see this reflected best in Picasso, less so in Einstein. Jerry was quite the opposite. His musical career was characterized by very, very hard work. As former wife Sara recalled, "He'd be in a bad mood if he couldn't practice for several hours a day" (32). "He'd get into an absolute funk if he couldn't get something absolutely right" (47).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Study Case Marketing About Harmonix

CASE STUDY: HARMONIX Harmonix is a company originally founded by Alex Rigopulos and Eran Egozy, they were the original developer of guitar hero series, the idea was originally create some demo software with the vision of providing a different way for people without music training or talent to experience the joy of playing and creating music. One of the most successful product that was produced by hamonix were guitar hero series, which subsequently became the fastest videogame in history to top 1 billion dollars just in north America. . )What marketing philosophy did harmonix use at first and how did their philosophy change? * The Marketing management philosophy used Harmonix, at first, was production oriented. The company focused on some demo software they had created in 1995, and the company focused on the internal capabilities rather than the wants or needs of customers. Then they tried the make a product by persons who wants know that will feel   be a rock star and decide to eng age with their customers, changing their philosophy to the market orientation.Since 2004 the company searched for the wants and likes of the customers creating products such as the microphone in karaoke Revolution, and in 2005 Guitar hero. This means that the company took actions by creating products to deliver and provide value to customers. The company seeks to satisfy needs , wants and likes of the customers with their products. S. W. O. T. STRENGHT * Innovation in the sector of video games * Strong brand image * Quality of the product (reality, sound, image) * Their games offer another experience that the consumers wants WEAKNESS * High prices Focus only in people with middle and higher incomes * Focus only in the music and entertainment market OPPORTUNITIES * New markets (games experiences) * New ways of advertising using internet THREAD * Increasing competitors * Indirect competition from other substitutes (other experiences with motion games) * Changing market experiences * I llegal downloading and piracy * Global economic conditions MARKETING MIX PRODUCT : like any other products have a life cycle, which begins at the time of its release, continues its growth and maturity, and finally goes into decline.They must understand each of the phases for the design, or strategies aiming at the attraction of video games to boost sales, it is for this reason that was listed as the fastest and most sales in history. PRICE: their units were sold at a higher price than other products on the market. By having so much market acceptance, Harmonix knew that despite the increase in their cost, their game was going to be one of the most competitive; the problem was that these prices keep out the people with low incomes, which is a big part of the market.DISTRIBUTION: still retains its operational autonomy, good budget for product development and licensing of music for their games. With its software can provide basic kinds of musical composition as an attribute to the parti cipants of the game, so funding invest for their internal costs and seek adjustments in the bid as and distribution consumer needs. PROMOTION: this company provides advertising that discloses a new way to experience the joy of playing and creating music through video games.Sales staff often plays an important role in word of public relations, Also they used a different way of advertising, using demos, tournaments with huge rewards that motivated the gamester to buy the game. Conclusion: * In conclusion this company show their evolution , through the time since that Harmonix beginning when was had created in grad school in 1995. Even now when this company developement fun and extraordinary videogames and one philosophy that will could satisfy   the needs , wants and likes of their customers. Related post: Advantages and Disadvantages of Administrative Management

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Descartes’ Philosophy Essay

Rene Descartes is one of the most distinct rationalists of the modern period who boldly claim that knowledge can be achieved through reason. He suggested that in the pursuit of knowledge one should be able to distinguish that which is true and that which is not true. This opens the idea towards his criticisms against experience as a source of knowledge. Experience, as Descartes puts it, cannot be trusted to produce genuine knowledge because experience can deceive a person (Heyward & Jones). It is a fact that experience comes from the external environment derived by the sensory organs (e.g. eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue). These sensory organs are deceptive in such a way that it can generate ideas that are not really existing or happening. Because of this fallibility of experience, Descartes argues that it cannot arrive at true knowledge. In effect, Descartes suggests that in order to obtain genuine knowledge, one should suspend his judgment on things that he or she perceives unless those things are proven to be certain and indubitable. With this method he called his pursuit of knowledge as the Methodic Doubt (Heyward & Jones). Discourse on Method In his Discourse on Method, he gives four laws which guide the person from pursuing the genuine knowledge (Heyward & Jones). The first law states that one should not admit anything as true that is not clearly and lucidly comprehended by reason. As he claims, truthfulness of an idea is based on it’s the clarity which is examined by reason. Reason tells which ideas are clear and generated by distinct intuitions. Having this law, he proceeds to the second and third laws. The second law suggests that because the mind can absorb complex ideas, these complex ideas should be able to transform to simple ideas that can be intuitively analyzed by reason. This emphasizes that simple ideas are the only ideas that reason can recognize such that complex ideas should be breakdown to simpler ideas in order for the reason to understand it clearly and distinctly. While the second law appears to be the analysis of the ideas, the third law is the synthesis of the ideas which attempts to figure out the connection and relationship among different ideas that are presented in the mind. This synthesis enables the mind to sort out ideas, and abstract them to arrive at conclusions, generalizations and judgments. The fourth and the final law suggests that the use of induction and deduction assures the achievement of knowledge since the ideas derived through induction and deduction are clearly and distinctly recognized by reason (being represented in simple ideas). Method of Doubt The discussion on the laws given above is essential in discussing Descartes’ Method of Doubt. As emphasized by the laws, ideas in order to serve as knowledge should be strongly recognized by reason in a sense that the reason cannot deny them at all. Hence, his Method of Doubt functions so as to arrive at certainty – that which cannot be doubted or denied by reason (Heyward & Jones). His method is different from the method used by the skeptics in such a way that the latter suspends their judgments only for the sake of doubt while the former suspends judgment for the achievement of certitude. As mentioned earlier, one should come up with a starting point which can be clearly recognized by reason and that which cannot be doubted. Descartes arrives at a conclusion that the thing that cannot be doubted by reason is the fact that one cannot doubt his existence. This is for the reason that if one is on the stage of doubting, it is certainly that he is thinking, and that thinking implies that there is something or someone who or which does the act of thinking. Hence, the thinking-thing exists. And that thinking-thing is, as Descartes put sit, â€Å"I.† Therefore, that which cannot be doubted is the fact that a thinking-thing exists (I think therefore I am [existing]) (Heyward & Jones). On God’s Existence As Descartes recognizes that one can be deceived by experience, such implies that there is true and false belief. This false beliefs which come into the mind as ideas are not caused by God for Descartes. For him, God is the most perfect entity that which cannot be doubted and that which cannot cause doubt. Hence, God is that which is certain and that which causes certainty that is why he cannot inflict deception (Still). The existence of simple, clear, and distinct ideas is the manifestation of the existence of the most perfect being that which is absolute and certain that is God. Therefore, God exists (He causes the most clear and distinct simple ideas which make up the certainty of things and ideas). Furthermore, Descartes advocates the idea that there are innate ideas. These innate ideas are not cause by the thinking-thing which is first established by him as that which cannot be doubted anymore. And those ideas have objective reality which is not influenced and caused by the thinking-thing; it appears then that there is actually another thing that certainly exists which caused the ideas absorbed by the thinking thing. And this thing that which exists prior to my existence is something which is absolute and the most certain of all certain things and ideas. As Descartes puts it, it is God. Another way of proving God’s existence is the idea of perfect and less perfect. As the thinking-thing is obligated to doubt so as to arrive at genuine knowledge, it implies that he is exposed to deception caused by the fallibility of the experience. And since the thinking-thing cannot discern all things with certainty it follows then that his power is limited. But the concept of perfection implies certain and absolute attributes (Still). As the thinking-thing recognizes the concept of perfection and his being an inferior and thus imperfect being, he concludes that there is something which is superior and that which is perfect, certain and absolute – that is God. Evaluation of Descartes Arguments on Knowledge Descartes is correct in saying that the mind can only and intuitively recognize simple ideas that are represented in the mind with perfect clarity and distinctiveness. He is also correct in saying that our sense perception can be deceived (e.g. optic illusions, the bending of the pen when submerged in water, etc.). And finally, he has a good point in saying that the foundation or the most fundamental thing or idea that is indubitable or cannot be doubted is the fact that the thinking-thing exists which does the doubting. However, his account on the existence of God and the innate ideas that he advocates are questionable in a way that they leave controversy and uncertainty. He equated the thing that causes the simple, clear and distinct ideas to God as well as the bearer of the attribute of being perfect. Being perfect, God is not caused by anything other than himself. But the mind is in fact the creator of such entity. If God is perfect how can be that he is not visible or perceptible to us? It is not enough to say that we are imperfect that is why we cannot perceive him. How can it happen that something which is perfect does not have a corporeal body, which the imperfect entities have? As a perfect being he should possess all the qualities that even the mere imperfect entities have. Works Cited Heyward, Jeremy and Jones, Gerald. Meditations: Rene Descartes. Hodder Murray, 2005. Still, James. â€Å"Descartes’ Meditations Ontological Argument.† 30 November 2005. Internet Infidels. 08 November 2007

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Workplace culture and job satisfaction Essays

Workplace culture and job satisfaction Essays Workplace culture and job satisfaction Essay Workplace culture and job satisfaction Essay The intent of our research was to seek to calculate out what made employees happy with their occupation. Specifically this survey asked if there was a relationship between workplace civilization and occupation satisfaction. As there are infinite facets of workplace civilization merely a few were selected for this research. This is something of import for employers to cognize because it helps them to break facilitate to their workers wants and needs which creates a better work environment. Job satisfaction is normally a finding factor in keeping rate, which can assist employers to salvage clip and money with reduced turnover rate. Job satisfaction has been studied by infinite research workers over the old ages such as McNall and Fox. There are a broad assortment of factors as to what leads to a worker being satisfied with their occupation or conversely dissatisfied. Job satisfaction plays an of import function for both the employee and the employer as it frequently has some relationship to employee keeping. This subject is non merely limited to one location country or one occupation type, but instead it is a broad spread across the states and professions. Job satisfaction can be higher or lower depending on the person and what facets of the occupation factors are more or less of import to them. Some facets that demand farther probe in relationship to occupation satisfaction are the employer s places on frock codifications and flexible work hours. This survey will research both of these relationships. Flextime or a flexible work agenda, along with a worker s ability to work at place, or ability to telecommute were all investigated. Companies offer many different types of flexible working conditions/hours for employees, frequently based on the occupation demands and the worker s demands. A flexible work agenda must be made for each occupation separately. There does non be an overall solution for flexible work agendas ; it is based on different occupation demands. The old research on flexible working conditions was examined in general, non for a specific occupation demand. Other research workers have noted their findings related to this capable affair. Some research workers have discussed the demand for there to be an good balance of clip spent at work and clip spent with the household or at place for a worker to be happy or be satisfied overall with their occupation ( Pryce, 2006 ; Jang, 2009 ; Fox, 2003 ; Cooke, 2009 ; Zacharias, 2005 ; Brown, 2003 ) . However, Middlesworth ( 2006 ) reported that satisfaction is a pick, similar to the belief that one can take to be happy and to hold a positive mentality. He does non believe that any factors exist that have a greater impact on satisfaction than merely the pick to be satisfied at one s occupation. This is because he feels that occupation satisfaction is a traveling mark anyways and is besides a conditioned response. Previous research surveies have found that workers do hold increased satisfaction when work hours are more suitable to the workers and their single demands, alternatively of merely the typical criterion workweek. For illustration Cooke ( 2009 ) noted in his findings that workers with weekend-based short workweek ( WBSW ) did turn out to be more satisfied. Similarly, the consequences of Fox ( 2003 ) once more reported that there was a higher degree of satisfaction in employees who had occupations that allowed them to equilibrate work and household life. His research was able to turn out that this so did do a decreased sum of turnover for these occupations. In 2002, a survey done by the Families and Work Institute reported that 78 % of those that were employed were populating in dual-earner households, this figure has increased by 12 % in the 30 old ages since 1977, when the figure was at 66 % ( Jang, 2009 ) . This survey besides showed that merely less than half of the people that stated they were populating in dual-earner households besides had kids under the age of 18 old ages old. Taking these facts into consideration it is noted that many of these female parents look for occupations that can offer them better options to equilibrate household life and their work life. Jobs that offer such benefits for working parents such as onsite kid attention, flexible hours, household friendly policies and maternity/paternity leave. Past research has shown that there is an addition of occupation satisfaction every bit good as a lessening of absenteeism and turnover when workers have been able to better balance work and household life because the occupation had flexible work hours. As Pryce provinces: The benefits of accomplishing a balance between work and place life for employees are widely recognized in footings of enhanced occupation satisfaction, good being and wellness ( 2006, p283 ) . Pryce reports the findings of an rating of an open-rota work scheduling intercession, which was created to see if workers felt that they were better able to equilibrate work and household life. Open-rota bases for an unfastened rotary motion system where infirmary workers operate on a agenda like this. They had to come up with a system that worked for those who were employed in the medical professions as they can non work from place or truly hold flexible work agendas like some other professions. This survey did demo that employees reported that they felt an enhanced sum of satisfaction with their work hours and as a consequence were less likely to merchandise displacements when they were able to plan their ain single work and remainder hours. Barnett ( 2005 ) completed another survey that found similar consequences. She tested merely adult females doctors who were seeking to equilibrate both household life and their calling. It was noted that adult females who had more involvement in household life recorded holding a stronger feeling of occupation satisfaction. For them to be more involved in non work affairs, they had to either work reduced hours or work on a portion clip footing. The survey found specifically that adult females who had reduced hours were more satisfied than those adult females doctors who continued to work full clip and attempted to equilibrate household life and work. In add-on, this survey looked at the effects that reduced hours had on an employee. The adult females were less likely to experience the demand to go forth their occupation with the decreased hours that worked with their agenda. Another survey that looked at two groups of adult females, one group was placed on a flexible agenda while the other group was kept to a really carinate much more traditional work agenda ( Krausz, 1983 ) . The adult females were all married and some of the adult females had kids. Krausz explained that the point of this survey was analyzing the effects of a flexible work agenda these two groups of adult females and if they did hold increased occupation satisfaction because of the flex clip or non. The information from this research did non ensue in a great significance between the groups and occupation satisfaction. A sensible account was given to assist understand why this information did non ensue in the typical result of flexible work agendas ensuing in increased occupation satisfaction. There was a hold in the proclamation of the flexible work agendas and the existent nidation. The location that this was conducted at was really different than other research that was looked at. A noteworthy tendency that was seen in the reappraisal of old research was that there was an increased sum of satisfaction for adult females in occupations that had flexible work hours or decreased hours. As one survey discussed specifically adult females are frequently placed in the function of attention taker and besides strive to hold both an equal balance of work and household life ( Zacharias, 2005 ) . Zacharias found that the bulk of professional workers that use or take advantage of constabularies that help to equilibrate work and household life are adult females. Womans were besides more likely to be granted aid in this country alternatively of work forces because of positions on traditional functions. These facts were non studied to see separately if there was a relationship between work forces and adult females working and how their hours of work impacted their occupation satisfaction. Zacharias ( 2005 ) continued with information that work forces who try to cut down their hours of work are treated much otherwise than their female opposite numbers. However, both males and females who take clip off from work or seek to take decreased hours frequently hit a wall in their callings. As an equal balance is of import for both males and females, their abilities to be successful at place and work is found to be critical for occupation satisfaction. Jang once more specifically noted, Mothers in this state of affairs find it hard to equilibrate work demand and child-care duties and are more likely than their childless opposite numbers to go forth the work force involuntarily ( 2009, p.93 ) . Jang s study did province that old surveies have revealed that some aspects of occupation flexibleness including, flexible work hours, do hold a positive consequence on certain facets of household life and in return it lowers the sum of turnover and absenteeism and does raise occupation satisfaction in employees. This survey successfully showed a positive nexus between flexible work hours and work life balance. McNall looked at flexible work agreements, occupation satisfaction and turnover purposes of employees with an involvement in the relationship of work-to-family life ( 2010 ) . For this survey, McNall defined flexible work agreements as when employers allow the employees to hold some pick in when and where they perform their occupations outside of the standard working day. Their research once more proved to happen that flexible work agreements are connected with many of import organisational attitudes and results for employers and their employees. These organisational attitudes and results include occupation satisfaction, absenteeism, public presentation, productiveness and satisfaction with work agendas. The ground for employers to travel to flexible work agendas is the needful balance that employees want with both their personal and household life ; they besides desire a calling and satisfaction with their occupation. Employers have been increasing their flexibleness in this country as more adult females have been come ining the work force. However, both males and females want the equal satisfaction of being involved in both affairs of place and of the workplace. Employers have recognized the wants and demands of their employees ; some have been able to accommodate to improved flexible work agendas for their employees. Clearly there is good concluding for employers to offer some kind of flexibleness to their employees, as it can offer employees higher occupation satisfaction and a happier overall sense of wellbeing. To the employer it so consequences in greater employee keeping, lower absenteeism and, in some instances, increased sum of productiveness. This treatment of the effects and grounds for offering flexible work times in the research done by McNall ( 2010 ) has been repeated in the authorship by Jang ( 2009 ) every bit good as Zacharias ( 2005 ) adding support with his findings. A noteworthy determination in the research done by McNall was in the statement that employees sometimes search for grounds that employers understand and care about their employees, and if they are able to take carry throughing lives outside of the work topographic point. The handiness of flexible work times and other policies that help to supply a worker with the opportunity to make a balance between work and personal clip has shown to ensue in employees who have increased degree of occupation satisfaction and have a more positive attitude towards their employers ( McNall, 2010 ) . The bulk of these research workers have all shown that there is some relationship between occupation satisfaction and flexible agendas. Their research has resulted in a noteworthy connexion with flexible agendas and an increased occupation satisfaction by employees who are provided this type of option by their employers. There is no recent outstanding research that concluded in either reduced satisfaction or no relation at all to occupation satisfaction and flexible work agendas to all people and occupations when these were looked at specifically. Some research workers noted that a just figure of concerns that offer some kind of flexible programming. While the Family and Medical Leave Act is available for some employees that work in companies that employ over 50 people but it is limited in what it can be used for. Locating old research specifically on flexible work agendas and occupation satisfaction proved to be slightly hard. The research that was found varied in occupation types that were studied from one set of research to the following. Some surveies had more straight looked at the correlativity than others. The research was picked because overall it is varied in locations across the Earth. It covers many locations every bit good as many assorted occupation types. In old hunts for beginnings on this subject there were a batch more surveies conducted for flexible work agendas and occupation satisfaction for those in the medical field than in other occupation Fieldss such as the research done by Pryce ( 2006 ) and Barnett ( 2005 ) . An attempt was made to avoid roll uping more articles on the medical field and alternatively focal point was put on happening research for many different occupation Fieldss. Job satisfaction and workplace flexibleness were non the focal point on a figure of beginnings. Many of the writers including Jang ( 2009 ) saw that the satisfaction that flexible agendas on the occupation convey more concerned adult females, as adult females have been discovered to hold more stress seeking balance their work and personal life. However, both sexes do be given to endeavor for an equal balance of place life and workplace satisfaction. Flexible work programming allows for this equal balance to be created between an employee s personal lives and work lives. These writers all able to discourse, in some signifier or another, occupation satisfaction and flexible work hours for employees. In add-on to looking at the function flexible work clip and occupation satisfaction drama on each other, the effects of frock codifications and occupation satisfaction were besides examined in this research. Many occupations require employees to have on specific uniforms or frock in a certain manner, while other employers allow their employee to hold more freedom in their vesture picks. Are employees happier or more satisfied if they are non told what to have on by their employers or oppositely do employees experience more satisfied if there is an implemented frock codification? Some employers would non be able to do alterations in this country to increase occupation satisfaction because of wellness and safety grounds that require some occupations to have on specific outfits to assist protect the worker. This helps to explicate why there was a great deficiency of information on the linkage between frock codifications and occupation satisfaction. Franz ( 2001 ) stated that at the clip they began their survey there was no anterior research done on their subject. This by its ego is interesting, that there country has non truly been looked at so far. There is likely to be a broad assortment of accounts as to the deficiency of pervious research on this country. However there are a figure of good grounds to look closer at this possible connexion between occupation satisfaction and frock codes/uniforms/or deficiency thereof. The grounds are similar to those stated before, increased occupation keeping and higher sums of production from happier workers. In the research done by Franz, he had to roll up informations that would assist him to develop a better tool to happen the ultimate reply to their inquiry ( 2001 ) . They wanted to cognize if things like insouciant Fridays and other frock policies had an consequence on the employee s attitudes and behaviours. Franz reported in their research that it has been a turning tendency to let a more insouciant garb in the work topographic point. A figure of concerns feel that insouciant frock at work is considered a benefit that they offer their employees, if they are able to. Casual frock helps employees to salvage and concerns to salvage that offer a vesture disbursal, because they have lower dry cleansing measures, and do non hold to buy the more expensive formal concern expressions. They found that the bulk of employers felt that insouciant frock is a positive alteration from the past old ages which required a formal concern expression every twenty-four hours by its employees. The riddanc e of professional frock policies besides help to interrupt barriers between direction and their workers. The consequences of this research did non turn out to demo that frock options had an impact on whether or non an employee s satisfaction or behaviour improved, every bit good as if they were more likely to go forth their current place. At the terminal of their research they advised concerns to look at what plants for their company and employees. This survey looked at concern garb and insouciant frock which they explained. Business frock is the more formal and traditional suit with a tie for males in authoritative colourss such as black, gray, and navy. Casual frock was described as denims and a shirt with possible athletic places ( Franz, 2001 ) . Haise ( 2003 ) explored the issues related to an employee that has to have on a uniform and how they feel about it. There are some occupations where it is necessary to necessitate employees to have on a uniform. Those that have to have on what their employer has chosen for them have changing sentiments on them. Haise explains that when small idea is given to the employee when the uniform is created and implemented it can go forth the employee experiencing really disgruntled. The consequences from this research showed that when employees were more involved in the determinations with the choice on the uniform and were asked by their employers for feedback they had more respect and had increased satisfaction with the uniform. The writers of this survey did cautiousness employers about leting the employees to hold excessively much influence on the uniforms as they might develop hyperbolic outlooks. Although they feel that some sentiments could assist to increase the employee s satisfacti on and better their feeling about their employers. Haise s research was selected because it was interested in how employees felt about uniforms. It was nevertheless non wholly focused on occupation satisfaction and uniforms. Haise s ( 2003 ) survey contained great information on the feelings of employees who had to have on uniforms. It besides discussed the practical demands for quality uniforms and the functions they play in different concerns. After reexamining the findings of other research worker s at that place seems to be a deficiency in the some countries of facets of occupation satisfaction. Job satisfaction plays a major function on both the employers and the employee s lives. The research has proven that when employers offer more opportunities for their employees to be able to custom-make facets of their occupation to their specific demands there is an addition in satisfaction felt by the employees affected. Employees appreciate concerns that show that they care about their employees and do an attempt to do certain they are satisfied at their occupations. Companies that offer benefits like the 1s discussed in this paper frequently see greater employee keeping from its employees. Employers should make whatever they can to demo they care about their employees so that they are acquiring the most out of their workers. Some benefits that employers can offer their employee s semen at small to no excess cost to them. Something so simple as merely asking about workers feelings and sentiments can hold a major impact.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Impartiality is the only satisfactory response by a state in the Essay

Impartiality is the only satisfactory response by a state in the modern world to asylum seekers who approach its borders - Essay Example The right to be treated with respect is equal to all people irrespective of their skin color, race, religion, or culture. Such human rights are being incorporated into the legal systems of many democratic countries. This, however, has not come spontaneously, but through protests, campaigns and pressure from support groups and organizations. The problems associated with asylum seekers and their handling in liberal democratic countries has become an international problem1. Whereas such campaigns and major steps are being made towards the recognition, respect and support of these human rights, some countries regularly abuse these rights. Such cases are reported in countries without legislation that can protect these rights. In a few instances where the legislation exists, it has proven difficult for these nations to implement. People are progressively becoming more aware of their rights. The importance of these rights is being recognized, and there have been major changes in the legal s tructure of many democratic countries to accommodate the human rights acts. It is, however, worth to note that, more needs to be done to ensure human beings enjoys their life to the fullest. There has been an increasing concern over how refugees and asylum seekers from underdeveloped countries are treated in the developed countries where they seek asylum. This concern has been greatly on Australia, which admits refugees as well as asylum seekers from all lifestyles. The country welcomes and accepts refugees and asylum seekers running away from their countries to avoid persecution. According to Matthew Gibney’s â€Å"The Ethics and Politics of Asylum,† there are an estimated twenty million refugees in the world. If the nations where these people seek asylum cannot accommodate them, they have a tough luck. Many people are seeking to enter the developed countries as asylum seekers. Some of the people who seek asylum in developed countries are illegal immigrants taking adv antage of the policies and legislations that allow asylum seekers to immigrate freely to other countries. It has become evident that various countries are putting restrictive policies on immigration to prevent illegal immigrants from developing and underdeveloped countries from entering their countries. Democratic governments have had difficulties in differentiating asylum seekers from economic immigrants into their countries2. The number of human refugees is increasing by the day and the lack of will from the community to accommodate them has brought enormous suffering to them. Asylum has become one fundamental issue in the politics of democratic countries. In 1993, the German parliament amended the basic law in an effort to curb the entry of asylum seekers into the country’s territory. The move by the parliament was aimed at slowing down the entrance of asylum seekers into the nation. In 1994, the Clinton administration in the United States, conducted a military interventio n in Haiti Island, in a bid to re-establish a regime that did not produce refugees and asylum seekers. This was after much criticism on the U.S policy that allowed veto of refugees and asylum seekers on boats going to Florida. When the Norwegian Freighter, the Tampa, attempted to land in Australia, the Australian government restricted it on the ground that it

Saturday, November 2, 2019

With reference to Bourdieus theory of distinction and other relevant Essay - 2

With reference to Bourdieus theory of distinction and other relevant theorists on social class, give a detailed example of how a specific habitus shapes consumer behaviour - Essay Example In general, however, the individual consumer’s choice is constrained by their society through indirect and direct influences. One of the most salient influences of consumer behaviour regarding what they eat is social class. Bourdieu (2011: p32) takes particular interest in how food and culinary preferences factor into social distinction, which he refers to as the individual’s attempt to act in a specific way in order for members of their own class to accept them, as well as how social class tailors consumptive habits consciously to be different from other classes. Therefore, taste is not only affected by demand and supply, natural inclinations or mere preferences, or even considerations of functionality or economics, but results from an interplay of multiple, complex factors. Habitus, in the sociological context, is defined as the distinctive lifestyle of a people, which is demonstrated by adherence to routine daily life activities that define their affiliation in the social class order. Particularly, habitus pertains to natural behaviours instead of mere affectations, although Lantos (2015: p48) argues that behaviours should be influenced for a period of time prior to them becoming natural. Habitus is the natural way of doing or acting, to which the individual is predisposed to make specific choices and from which they could deviate in specific situations. Rather being a matter of compulsion or deliberation, the habitus involves choosing to do what, under normal conditions, seems reasonable and obvious. Social class, as well as associations with others in closed groups, is one of the fundamental factors involved in developing habitus. Therefore, although a common labour worker could develop tastes for caviar and Cristal, he is not likely to encounter th em during interactions within their specific social class and circles due to the fact that they are not available for this income level. Referencing Weber and Marx, Kopetz et al.