Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Pros and Cons of Building a Casino in Your Neighborhood

Pro’s †¢ New Jobs †¢ Entertainment †¢ Expand Tourism †¢ Contribution to Community †¢ Contribution to Charitable Organizations †¢ Lower taxes for Residents †¢ Tax Revenues †¢ Higher Wages †¢ Higher Property Value †¢ Extends Visitors Stay in Area †¢ Money put back into Local Economy †¢ Adds to a City †¢ Attracts People †¢ Traffic of People – Better Known Con’s †¢ Street Crime †¢ Prostitution †¢ Takes from Local businesses †¢ No New Businesses †¢ Erosion of Work Ethic †¢ Pathological Gamblers †¢ Increased Bankruptcy Rates †¢ Preys on Poor and Elderly †¢ Lost Productivity †¢ Traffic Congestion †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦The people buying the tax-free tobacco are not even contributing to the state budget, part of which in part pays for the huge cost of tobacco smoke and leads many to develop lung disease. Questions, discussions, and opinions are on a rise to whether a new casino should be built in Buffalo, New York. If we ask what benefits, or what economic development will this casino bring to the community there would not be enough answers as to compare to the negative effects it will actually bring. This essay will discuss the economic impacts, social and opportunity costs brought by casinos from economist researchers who have showed significant points to why casino worsen the economy and making it harder for local businesses and employment opportunity. To answer the question, â€Å"What is economic development?†Dr. Grinols professor of economics at Baylor University and author of Gambling in America: cost and benefits, 2004 said, â€Å"When indivi duals undertake productive activity, they engage in the creation of goods and service that provide greater welfare or satisfaction than the inputs used.† (Grinols 2004). Economic development is the creation of greater value by society from its available resources which means greater income and wealth, which lead to greater utility for members of society (Grinols 2004). Dr. GrinolsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Reparations for Native Americans1881 Words   |  8 PagesCollin Brooke Term paper Native American Reparations: Pro or Con? The subject of paying some sort of reparations to Native Americans is a hot topic, and views range from the popular Fox News commentator Glen Beck who is very against reparations to the University of Colorado former Professor, Ward Churchill who is for reparations. President Obama himself has also put of his input on the topic with speeches both during the Presidential campaign and after his Inauguration. This paper seeks toRead MoreWal-mart case analysis. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on A Beautiful Mind Case Study of Schizophrenia

â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† movie is based on the case study of real life mathematician John Nash who suffered from schizophrenia. The aspects of schizophrenia affected John Nash in many ways. Ethics is defined in the textbook as, â€Å"Are the tools or behaviors that one employs to achieve a desired outcome. Means can be either good or bad. Ends are those outcomes that one desires to achieve†(Polgar Thomas, 2008). The movies case study, include the sign and symptoms, social effects and treatment of schizophrenia and how it took a toll on his overall career. John Nash behaviors fell under ethical, unethical, Machiavellian, and subjective this was due to him suffering from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental illness that has major†¦show more content†¦(2011). The plot of the film revolves around the life of John Nash, a genius mathematician who had paranoid schizophrenia. Nash’s autonomy helped assisted him in overcome the stigma associated with schizophrenia. Mathematicians Observation: John demonstrates a unique ability to see patterns with a pattern rising off the glass and synchronizing with patterns on Neilson’s tie. This can be tied to on of his symptoms of schizophrenia in which there is assault on his senses and therefore, when he sees something it looks somewhat bright and distorted by color or shape. †¢ New stressor: John although at Princeton University as a student, he feels as if he has major competitors who humiliate him by calling him a waiter instead of him being a student of math. Since this has happened John retreats from the situation and heads towards his room where he experiences isolation as he looks outside at other students who are interacting with another. At this moment this stressor is high because he displays a positive symptom of hallucination. The Challenge (During College) The stress of the competition is reinforced as Martin defeats John in a mathematical board game while also reminding John that two colleagues, Bender and Sol, have published a paper and Martin, himself, has two papers under review. The defeat causes John to rush away from his peers with a very obvious physical clumsiness. TheShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis : A Beautiful Mind1564 Words   |  7 PagesA Beautiful Mind (Grazer, Howard, Howard, 2001) is a film about the life of John Nash Jr. John Nash was a mathematician studying at Princeton University on a Carnegie Scholarship in 1947. The film portrays Nash’s academic journey, career, and personal life. As an adult, John Nash was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is classified as an emotional or behavioral low-incidence disorder disorder (Smith Tyler, 2010, p. 234). 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But his extraordinary career was sidetracked by his struggle with schizophrenia, almost destroying his family and himself. The irony of his predicament was that the drugs that kept his psychosis in check also prevented him from thinking coherentlyRead MoreBeautiful Mind Case Study754 Words   |  4 Pagesof Mental Health (NIMH), Schizophrenia is defined as: a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). The thematic presence of paranoid schizophrenia in Sylvia Nasar’s â€Å"Beautiful Mind† resonates as a case study regarding this disorder.Read MoreMental Health : A Psychological Disorder922 Words   |  4 Pagesthus requiring them to receive treatment. The movie A Beautiful Mind is a perfect portrayal of a psychological disorder, and can be used to examine the ways in which the characteristics of a mental disorder manifest themselves, as well as how the disorder itself can affect a person s life. The movie is an autobiographical story about the life of John Nash, an influential mathematician and Nobel Prize winner who battled with schizophrenia. The film demonstrates the extent of damage that a psychologicalRead MoreAnalysis Of John Nash s Class We Watched A Beautiful Mind 843 Words   |  4 PagesIn class we watched â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† this movies has to due with a man named John Nash (Russell Crowe) who a genius mathematician who eventually finds himself struggling with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a brain disorder in which people interpret re ality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking and behavior. John Nash the main character had severe hallucinations, in particular with three main people. Although the new DiagnosticRead MoreAnalysis Of John Nash s Class We Watched A Beautiful Mind 977 Words   |  4 PagesIn class we watched â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† this movie tells the story of a man named John Nash (Russell Crowe) who is a genius mathematician that eventually finds himself struggling with Paranoid Schizophrenia. â€Å"Schizophrenia is a brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and dis- ordered thinking and behavior (mayoclinic.org)†. John Nash the main character has severe hallu- cinations, in particular with threeRead MoreA Beautiful Mind: an Abnormal Movie Analysis1027 Words   |  5 PagesA Beautiful Mind: An Abnormal Movie Analysis A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 cinematic semi-biography based upon the life of Nobel Laureate of Economics John Forbes Nash, Jr. Seneca said that there is no great genius without some touch of madness, and this is certainly the case with Dr. Nash. The movie opens on Nash as a graduate student at Princeton University. He struggles to find a unique idea, one that will set him apart from his peers and earn him recognition. Though Nash is self-admittedlyRead MoreA Beautiful Mind By John Nash Essay1601 Words   |  7 Pages In the film, â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†, the main character is John Nash. Nash represents the life of a person struggling with schizophrenia. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), in order for an individual to meet the criteria for schizophrenia, one must include two or more of the following symptoms for at least 1 month and at least one symptom must be one of the first three: Delusions, Hallucinations, Dis organized Speech, Disorganized (or CatatonicRead MoreA Beautiful Mind: a Case Study Essay1714 Words   |  7 PagesRunning head: A BEAUTIFUL MIND 1 A Beautiful Mind: A Case Study A BEAUTIFUL MIND 2 Diagnostic Impression: Axis I 295.30 Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type, Continuous Axis II V71.09 No Diagnosis Axis III None Axis IV Psychosocial and Educational Stressors Axis V GAF = 55 (highest level in past 30 years) Case Study: John Nash suffers from Paranoid Schizophrenia. He is a gifted mathematician who began graduate school at Princeton University in 1947

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Cheating in High School Free Essays

Cheating in School Cheating is an issue nowadays that has affected many students at one time or another throughout their education. It’s a serious issue that can be dealt with in a lot of different ways. Some examples of cheating are copying homework, looking at someone else’s test, plagiarizing, and a new way to cheat based on recent technology, which allows another student to now buy or steal papers from the Internet, and passing them off as their own. We will write a custom essay sample on Cheating in High School or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being lazy and freaking out if you’re not passing is not a good reason to cheat. Nothing good will ever come from cheating, no matter how good you are at it. In high school, there are serious consequences for cheating. Students who get caught cheating by a teacher will have their paper taken up and get an automatic zero, or they will rip up the paper, and the teacher will contact the student’s parents and tell them what happened. If the student perhaps was taking their final, and was caught cheating, he or she basically will fail the class and will have to take the class all over again. Another cause of students cheating is that some people out there are just lazy and want a quick A in the class and to make sure they pass. If students actually cared about their education, they wouldn’t be cheating, and they would want to do their own work on their own. Most students who cheat in high school just want to graduate, and finish up with their high school years. The last reason why students cheat is that people are freaking out if they are failing a class. Failing a class and doing bad in the class makes students cheat. If students are failing, they will end up cheating on the upcoming test by using someone who is smart in the class, so they can boost their grade up, so they will be able to pass the class. If students are failing the class, they should be going in after school, before school, or during their lunch time on getting help from the teacher to understand the subject more in order to pass the class. The effect of getting caught cheating is there’s a lot of consequences that will happen to you, and having to take the class all over again, and the ffect of how people are lazy and just want a quick A is that students are going to become less responsible for their work, and if students are getting these good grades by cheating, and end up graduating high school, but they don’t know what they want to do with their future, or they do we just let them come in, and do the job they want, but at the same time they could of learned how to do that subject in high school, and if they woul d of done their own work they would know how to do it. Freaking out if the student isn’t passing the class they should be going in for tutorials, and studying hard instead of thinking to themselves that they don’t need to study, or anything while they need to. Over all, the consequences of cheating will hurt you in your life, and no one should be proud of cheating. Nothing good will ever come from cheating. While some people say cheating isn’t wrong unless they get caught they are wrong and that cheating is stealing, and stealing is wrong no matter. How to cite Cheating in High School, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Marketing Communication for Communicating- myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theMarketing Communication for Planning and Communicating. Answer: This is to inform you that that there has been the development of a new marketing team with all of the members dispersed in New York, Beijing, Mumbai and Sydney. This has necessitated the establishment of virtual team spread over the different time zones that undertook communication via both synchronous and asynchronous means (Aiken, Gu and Wang 2013) Formation of the virtual teams has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the virtual team lay in assembling the talented group for completing a complex project through not only innovation but also creativity (Bassanino et al. 2014). However, there are concerns amongst various teams regarding the successful execution of such meetings as it involves challenges like distance and time, difficulties of language, barriers of cultural difference and perception of the deadlines. Therefore, there are certain critical areas that I feel needs necessary attention while managing and leading a virtual team. Planning and Communicating Meeting Agenda: For ensuring productive meeting, it is necessary to outline the happenings before, during and after the proceedings of the meeting. It is also necessary to determine the people attending the meeting thereby giving them the required visibility (McConnell et al. 2013). It is necessary to send in the agenda once decided along with the list of attendee. Showing Consideration for the Team Members of all Time Zones: Scheduling meeting times suitable for everyone might be difficult for a team that is geographically disperse. Instead of fixing a recurring meeting time, it is vital for rotating the time of occurrence for the meetings (Nystrm and Asproth 2013). This puts forward the situation where no single set of employees works at a stretch. Moreover, meeting schedule should be set as per the convenience of the all the team members and not during the late evenings or during the lunch. Maintenance of Level Playing Field: The best practice for a virtual meeting involves engaging everyone via common technology. This involves usage of the collaborative software that ensured everyone in keeping an eye on the same information at the same timing. Matching Technology and the Task: Implementation of advanced technology must take care of the complexity of task. For resolving a conflict or making a decision, collaborative software or video conferencing represents the best tools (Pangil and Moi 2014). Moreover, the participant should engage himself during meeting through chat options and poll. The opinions of attendees needs consideration and necessary feedback regarding key issues collected through polling option or by asking them to choose an option available in the chat box. Keeping Time for Small Talk: Similar to a face-to -face meeting, people in a virtual meeting should be greeted the moment they become a part of the meeting and allotted time for connecting at the personal level. For accommodating this, the team should be given a chance for building relationships through some casual conversation Reinforcing Shared Responsibility: This is the responsibility ensured for tracking the group (Ubell 2016). The shared responsibility can be reinforced by ensuring that different team members hold the responsibility of leading the various part of meeting. One can also consider the rotation of the role for meeting planning and ensure necessary facilitation amongst the team members. Thus, through the memo I have tried to tackle some of the critical areas which if addressed will help in overcoming the challenges of the virtual meetings. Thus, virtual meetings can bring in a revolution in the formation of marketing team for an internally company like XYZ with geographically dispersed location. Thanks Regards, Your name: References: Aiken, M., Gu, L. and Wang, J., 2013. Task knowledge and task-technology fit in a virtual team.International Journal of Management,30(1), p.3. Bassanino, M., Fernando, T. and Wu, K.C., 2014. Can virtual workspaces enhance team communication and collaboration in design review meetings?.Architectural Engineering and Design Management,10(3-4), pp.200-217. McConnell, T.J., Parker, J.M., Eberhardt, J., Koehler, M.J. and Lundeberg, M.A., 2013. Virtual professional learning communities: Teachers perceptions of virtual versus face-to-face professional development.Journal of Science Education and Technology,22(3), pp.267-277. Nystrm, C.A. and Asproth, V., 2013. Virtual TeamsSupport for Technical Communication?.Journal of Organisational Transformation Social Change,10(1), pp.64-80. Pangil, F. and Moi Chan, J., 2014. The mediating effect of knowledge sharing on the relationship between trust and virtual team effectiveness.Journal of Knowledge Management,18(1), pp.92-106. Ubell, R., 2016. Virtual team learning. InGoing Online(pp. 27-33). Routledge.