Saturday, February 15, 2020

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 7

Case study - Essay Example The project was assigned to Hrad with a fixed deadline and cost and this deadline and cost was not enough for the completion of the project. There were several problems due to which, Hrad was unable to meet the deadline. This paper deals with the case between Tegan and Hrad Technika in detail. A/P was experiencing problems and Tegan was continuously thinking about dealing with the problems with A/P system but Tegan was unable to sort out the issue until Fan Li came with his toys in the market. Tegan had three options out of which, it had to decide for an appropriate project suitable for the performance and maintenance of A/P project. The first option was to install an enterprise resource planning system such as SAP, second was to rewrite the system using internal resources and third was to outsource the system development to a third party (Upton and Staats 2008b, 3). The organization’s management decided for the third option that was to outsource the A/P project and the reasons were that they were unable to bear the costs of other projects and they did not have the required staff for the development process. The outsourcing of A/P project was the right move in comparison to the other alternatives because it required minimum cost that was bearable for the firm and also the other options required more costs and more staff for the work. Hrad Technika worked for Tegan before for completing software programs for the firm. However, this task was much challenging for the company and required much expertise. Previously the projects go through problems but the administration of Tegan was satisfied with Hrad Technika due to which, they opted for it. Requirements analysis is very crucial for successful bidding on any project. With the help of requirement analysis, all the requirements and demands of the system can be known and all the problems that the system is facing by the users of the system can be known. In addition, the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Gangs and the Music industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gangs and the Music industry - Essay Example Today’s youths are like sponges soaking anything up which is given to them. The music industry has the greatest impact to today’s youth which gives it the most influential power, but sad to say the message being put out is not uplifting or promoting growth so that young people can better themselves. Instead, it puts out a message that it is okay to have multiple sex partners, to be part of a gang, and even use drugs every now and then. Music for a long time has been used to relay messages regarding sex and it is important to note that with time the sexual content and extent of explicitness has been getting worse decade after another. In the early to mid 20th century and before, music was quite conservative and sexual contents were rather to be deduced rather than explicitly expressed as the case is today. Today’s music is apparently changing the fundamental nature of sex to something that is causal and a form of expressing someone’s freedom rather than something with commitment for a relationship that is monogamous by nature. Today’s music and in this case rap and hip hop is bringing to the fore the idea that society is now liberal and all are free to act as they please. This kind of music has lyrics as well as videos that are clearly showing sex as an act of freedom and maturity. Martino, et al. (2006) says that there is increasing explicit use of sex on the songs’ lyrics and their mus ic videos as an expression of pleasure, empowerment, and freedom. The youth with their peer pressure attitudes take these messages as literally as possible ending up having sexual relations quite early in their life. â€Å"Fifty-one percent of teens who listened to music laced with sexual debauchery ended up engaging in sexual activity, compared to just 29 percent of those who listened to little or none of the same types of music† (Wallace, 2010, p. 2). A study reveals that 15% of music videos illustrate or feature violent